Sweden Joins Elite List: Headed Quickly to 100% Clean Energy
There are a few requirements that need to be in place for a country to commit to 100% renewable energy in the near future (25 years in this case), and lands like Sweden meet them all.
Obviously, physical resources per capita is one. The U.S. can and will achieve this eventually, but, even if we actually wanted to, it will take more work, given that our hydro resources are far smaller per capita and our total population is 32 times larger.
Proximity to countries of significant size with which to trade power helps too; Denmark’s neighbor Germany makes the integration of renewables a relative piece of cake.
Of greatest importance is political will. Sweden’s people are not the type who are easily conned by a reality show huckster and business fraud telling them that environmental restrictions (and immigrants) are the reason they’re not rich. Swedes rank #2 in the world in education; they tend to be urbane, cultured people who understand that everyone living on this planet is facing environmental catastrophe if certain important steps aren’t taken. They get it.
Eventually, we all will; it’s just a matter of time, and the urgency with which we spread the word.