Some People Say Trump Can’t Be Removed–Regardless

20170422_130745A friend sent me this piece, suggesting that Trump is impervious to justice actions, and cannot be removed from office, regardless of what he’s done in the past or will do in the future.

I don’t believe this for a second. Watch what happens here:

a) evidence builds that Trump needs to be removed, either through impeachment for crimes or via the 25th Amendment (obvious lack of capacity to carry out presidential duties)

b) lots of decent GOP voters (they DO exist) join everyone else and tell Congress: get rid of Trump, or lose your jobs, update your resumes, and go back to being ambulance chasers, used car salesmen, or whatever you used to do, and

c) the GOP flips on Trump in a matter of a few days.

Mark my words.

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One comment on “Some People Say Trump Can’t Be Removed–Regardless
  1. marcopolo says:


    Good grief, do you guys never give up? Will you spend he next 1000 days, eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of your fantasy ?

    I realize you don’t like the President or his administration, but there comes a time to accept reality, stop obsessing, and just make the best of the situation.

    Grounds for “Removal from Office” are simply wishful thinking, or sheer fantasy.