From Guest Blogger Ron Robbins: How to Save Energy with Better Roofing and Windows
Sometimes you have to do more than just change the appliances. Consider upgrading essential elements around the house such as getting a new roofing or window installation. Take a look at the best ways to save money on your home’s monthly energy bill. You’ll love these fantastic ideas for eco-friendly home upgrades.
Home upgrades to save you energy
1) Upgrade your roofing
If you’ve got an older home in need of upgrading, chances are your roofing could use a major rehaul. Especially after years of heavy storms, the roofing that could have been extremely efficient ten years ago can succumb to leaks. To ensure you’re as eco-friendly as possible, consider getting a new roofing installation. The amount of time and energy you save by eliminating leaks and conserving electricity can lead it to pay for itself.
2) Consider solar energy
A big hype in today’s modern world, solar energy has proven itself time and time again to be one of the best energy efficient home upgrades you can make for your home. Not only will you save on your monthly energy bill, but you can often save huge cash on installation fees due to cash rebates, specials, and eco-friendly tax breaks from the government. With all of these benefits, there is little reason not to go solar.
3) Upgrade your windows
As compared to traditional windows, double and triple pane windows can do more than decrease energy consumption in your home. Upgrading can also reduce the number of ultraviolet rays entering your home. These ultraviolet rays can damage your wood floors, upholstery, and other valuable items. Hands down, upgrading your window installation will lead to a big difference in your monthly energy consumption.
4) Get an energy efficient audit
Not sure what you should begin upgrading first? Consider getting an energy efficiency audit of your home. Keep an eye out for specials from quality companies who are confident in their products and services which tend to offer energy audits for free. In signing up for an energy efficiency audit, you’ll allow a technician to come to your home and analyze what parts are eating up the most energy. From there, you can take the audit and focus on upgrading the parts of your home that will make the biggest difference to your home’s power consumption.
What roofing and window home upgrades have you completed around your home to become more eco-friendly and energy efficient?