Coming Next Week: Trump’s War on Mennonites and Sri Lankans. But Wait a Second….How Gullible Are We?

banno-attacks-mediaAs Trump’s antics whipsaw the nation’s attention with the violence of a cat 5 hurricane between transgenders in the military (today), insulting the Boy Scouts (yesterday), Kushner’s bogus testimony on Russia (the day before), and the ceaseless march of daily crap that preceded that, more people are asking themselves: Is it possible all this theater is in place merely to obscure a subtle and perhaps even more terrifying agenda?

When you wake up tomorrow and learn to your horror that Trump has threatened to bomb Kathmandu or ban Italians from the military, ask yourself what’s really going on here.

Here’s a theory that’s shared by some really smart people, including Duke University historian Nancy MacLean, author of “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.”  Taken from a television interview she gave a few weeks ago:

(The book chronicles) the radical right’s attempt to reshape the role of the federal government—from healthcare to education to housing. MacLean has also uncovered the instrumental role the late libertarian economist James Buchanan played in the right’s campaign to eliminate unions, suppress voting and privatize schools.  While the Congressional Budget Office predicts 22 million would lose health insurance as a result of the Senate bill, some forces in the Republican Party, including the billionaire Koch brothers, are concerned that the bill doesn’t go far enough.

Yet they’re quite sanguine on their prospects, given that Trump, under pressure as he may be, still leads the nation, backed by a shrinking but fierce cadre of supporters who have no idea how deeply screwed they’ll be if the Koch brothers’ “every man for himself” agenda takes root in the U.S.  As Charles Koch said, “We are more optimistic now about what we can accomplish than we have ever been.”

I hope you’ll check out this video interview with Nancy MacLean, professor of history and public policy at Duke University.

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2 comments on “Coming Next Week: Trump’s War on Mennonites and Sri Lankans. But Wait a Second….How Gullible Are We?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Amazing ! You should immediately seek to testify before at least one of the three committees investigating the the possibility of Russian interference in the US election !

    It’s your duty as a US citizen to immediately inform the FBI of your evidence that Jarad Kushner’s testimony was “bogus” !

    Why haven’t you done so ?

    Oh, that’s right, you don’t actually have any such evidence, do you?

    The US has many serious issues confronting the nation, the hysterical obsession with this nonsense is paralyzing the US body politic at a time when more serious issues should be the subject of attention.

    There’s no clear link between the Russian government and Natalia Veselnitskaya, who appears to be simply an opportunist pursuing her own agenda. Interestingly, Natalia Veselnitskaya presence in the US was facilitated by the Obama administration in a highly irregular manner.

    For the rest of the world, US indignation at foreign interference in a US election is ludicrous. The US has spent the last 70 years clandestinely interfering in the electoral process of other nations, friend and foe alike !

    My advice is to stop obsessing about the Koch brothers, the President, mysterious Russians etc, and get back to the real world of clean tech.

  2. Frank R. Eggers says:

    That is happening in Washington reminds me of a bad soap opera. Of course there is reason for alarm, but McDonald Strumpet is being constantly blocked. He’s having considerable difficulty finding cabinet members or unquestionable loyalty (which is what his narcissism demands) who will, with no hesitation, eagerly do exactly what he wants. Unless they do, he fires them. The most frightening thing is that he, at least in theory, has the power to start a nuclear war. Regulations should be changed so that a president doesn’t have that power.

    The U.S. is basically a very strong country. We can weather considerable mismanagement and recover from it.