From Guest Blogger Hannah Thomas: Five DIY Eco-Friendly Pest Control Remedies

green-organic-pest-control-optionsA pest infestation is something that every household has to deal with sooner or later. However, in these modern times, not everyone feels right about using toxic methods to take care of this problem. This goes for families that have children, pets, or simply care about their environment. It is the reason why DIY eco-friendly pest control remedies are becoming increasingly popular. What’s great about them is that they are cost-effective, easy to concoct, and friendly to the environment. No one likes critters roaming through their house, so here are 5 green pest control remedies that you can use.

Vinegar and herbs

It is a fact that vinegar can do wonders for your house. It’s great for cleaning, and it resolves the issue with bugs. What you need to do is get a spray bottle and fill half of it with apple cider or white vinegar. After that, you should add some herbs, including lavender, catnip, sage, and thyme. Add water to the mixture, shake it properly, and leave it like that during the night. Tomorrow, you’ll have a great way to fight off the bugs.

Mint barriers

When it comes to plants that are natural insect repellents, you should make use of peppermint and spearmint. They do particularly well for aphids and ants. Pick a few varieties and place them around the household, and pretty soon you will notice that the ant populations are decreasing. Next to that, fresh mint plants are a source of an appealing smell that can spice up your home or yard.

Bananas and tin foil

A great way to fight aphids is to chop up a banana peel and place it underneath the soil line at the stalks of your plants. This is not only a way to take care of the annoying pests, but also a way to add nutrients to the soil. When it comes to the underside of the plants’ leaves, you can place tin foil right around the plants’ base. The foil reflects sunlight and takes care of the nasty critters. However, you need to be careful, as too much light can damage the plant.

Dried grits

If you don’t mind getting a bit gruesome when it comes to pest solutions, then dried grits are something you should try out, because they are really effective. They should be used after a dry spell occurs. Take some dry grits and place them at the points where ants enter your home. The ants and drones will pick up the grits and take them to their queen. Once the queen has eaten one, the next time that she drinks some water, the grits will expand and make her explode.

Vinegar and essential oils

Another repellent that makes use of vinegar, is made by filling your spray bottle with half vinegar and half water, and then adding 10 to 15 drops of essential oils such as tea tree, mint, lavender, spearmint, lemongrass, citronella, clove, and eucalyptus.

If nothing works

It is possible that even with all your best efforts, the pest infestation remains. Sometimes, the problem is simply too big for you to take care of it by yourself, even with more aggressive substances. This is when professionals from PestWorks, pest control services Sydneysuggest that you hire experts to deal with the infestation for you. If the situation has gotten out of hand, then it’s probably the best that you leave it to people who really know what they are doing.


Pests can be a real issue for every household. Luckily, there is a variety of ways that you can deal with them. Try out these pest control remedies in order to remain eco-friendly. If nothing works, maybe it’s best that you leave the job to a professional service. 

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