Wait. Why Are We Censoring Scientists Again?

movtThere sure is a profound irony surrounding the current debate over free speech in U.S. politics nowadays.

Despite legitimate concerns for the safety of students, white supremacist Richard Spencer was given a platform to speak at the University of Florida.

A week later, three climate scientists scheduled to give conference presentations on the climate-related decline in health of New England’s largest estuary were abruptly and without explanation removed from the event’s program.  The findings in their 500-page report included proof that climate change is affecting air and water temperatures, precipitation, sea level and fish–and apparently this didn’t jibe with the EPA’s effort to silence discussion of the subject.

The aspect of all this that is arguably the most frightening is its stupidity.  All censorship is bad, but at least most of it has an ostensible purpose.  McCarthyism sought to silence communists, fascists seek to silence dissidents, televangelists seek to silence devil-worshipers, and so on.  I don’t agree with any of this, but at least I can understand it.   Here, we seek to silence scientists whose life work is preventing a catastrophic collapse of our environment.  Sorry, that one’s got me.


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One comment on “Wait. Why Are We Censoring Scientists Again?
  1. marcopolo says:


    “Why Are We Censoring Scientists Again?”

    The answer is simple, no scientists are being “Censored” !

    How many times does it have to be explained ?

    Government employees, including scientists funded by government agencies, have never been permitted to ‘speak’ or attend conferences, meetings, media events etc, without authorization.

    This rule and principle is virtually global and well over 100 years in existence.

    (Similar rules apply to Corporate employees).

    But, you know all that, don’t you? Just the same as the Left media know, but instead try to spin the truth into a myth of “McCarthyist censorship”,