From Guest Blogger Diana Smith: Five Green Investment Suggestions for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Businessman Tom Steyer (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
One of the greatest misconceptions lies in the idea that true capitalism can’t be eco-friendly, seeing as how it relies so heavily on exploitation. However, in the present state of the global market, nothing could be further from the truth. You see, eco-friendly industries are currently gaining momentum, but they are still not oversaturated, which leaves a lot of cleantech investment opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs. With this in mind, here are top five green investment suggestions that just might be worth your while.
Sustainable agriculture
While organic farming is a popular concept these days, a lot of people have the wrong idea on how this exactly saves our planet. Due to the fact that it actually requires more land in order to get the same number of crops, it doesn’t decrease the carbon footprint of farming. What it does, however, is protect the soil from becoming toxic in the long-run. This also means that a business in sustainable agriculture may be a bit more expensive to start, but in 2017, having a product that is labeled as green almost ensures that it will be sold.
Green app development
Another lucrative industry to invest in is green app development. You can either develop apps that actually save power (battery saving apps), develop apps that do the same with less power or try to raise ecological awareness through an immersive app. Both Google Store and iTunes make it incredibly easy to sell and even advertise these apps as green, which makes your job a lot easier.
Renewable energy
If there is one thing that most scientists agree on it is that the number of fossil fuels on our planet is quite finite. Whether we run out of them in 50, 100 or 200 years, we need to start coming up with a solution right away and there are more than a few solid choices out there. Solar and wind-powered systems are definitely two most popular choices, but are far from being the only two options available. Biomass, geothermal and hydropower are also valid choices. The main reason why the sun and the wind are favored so much by the media is that they are the most cost-effective for individual users and small businesses alike.
Green building
Those who are looking for something that is both traditional and eco-friendly should look no further than the construction industry. Seeing as how this particular line of work can have a massive environmental impact, all that one has to do in order to start making a difference is change several major business practices. This ranges from the materials used to the planning of a delicate construction life-cycle. Overall, it takes more effort than it may seem at first, but the end result is more than worth it. With the boost in public’s interest in environmentalism, going green with your construction company can open up a whole new market for you to expand in.
Waste management
Finally, no eco-friendly investment list would ever be complete without a mention of waste management. The greatest problem with this particular line of work is that one would need an expensive infrastructure. On the plus side, this business idea requires a one-time investment, which keeps on giving a great ROI for a prolonged period of time. The bare minimum one would need to start off are things like pits and impoundments, wastewater treatment engines and a reliable heat exchanger system.
These five suggestions are but the tip of the iceberg of all the green investment suggestions you might want to consider. Nonetheless, the choice you end up with should depend on two things. The first one is the initial capital you have available (seeing as how a modest sum might shut you off from some of the above-listed ideas). The second one is, of course, your own personal interest.