When Trump Loses Support of Fox News Viewers

Eric-TrumpThere are a lot of things to abhor about Fox News based on the effect it has on its viewers, and thus our society.  A few weeks ago I mentioned a study from a major university that found that those who get their news from Fox know less about current events than people who watch and read no news at all, due to the way the programming is constructed to misdirect and misinform its consumers.

25353639_1841425849283794_5746754556498195170_nI’m angry about what Fox News has done to its viewers. These people deserve better fates intellectually and emotionally than to be duped by a team of experts whose job it is to support everything that Donald Trump says and does mindlessly, regardless of the brazen lies it needs to develop and promote.

A reminder: This is why we feel sorry for the people of North Korea, i.e., their only line of information is sponsored by the state, one that has exactly zero interest in providing the truth.

Take it from Republican strategist Steve Schmidt, quoted on the right.

On a brighter note, apparently even Fox News can’t keep its finger in the dike holding back the truth very much longer.  Check this out:

Approval rating of Trump from a poll of Fox viewers in June, 2017:  90%.

Approval rating of Trump from a poll of Fox viewers last week:  58%.

Note to team Trump: In case it’s not obvious, if you’re losing the support of Fox News viewers, you’re running out of places to take your story.


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One comment on “When Trump Loses Support of Fox News Viewers
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    Rupert’s now getting a few more billion to invest in his PR(opaganda) machine.