From Guest Blogger Emily Folk: Metal Roofs Provide a More Sustainable Home Option

3469857_originalConsumers are quickly learning the benefits of environmentally conscious living extend beyond helping the environment. Investments in green technology and products often translate to cost-savings and improved health over time. Metal roofs are no exception. Here’s how investing in a metal roof can help make your home more sustainable.

Energy Efficiency

Over one-third of the energy used to heat and cool your home is lost through your roof. Metal roofs help reflect the sun’s heat energy and can decrease cooling costs in the summer months by as much as 40 percent. Additionally, the building materials themselves reflect the solar energy regardless of color, which means you can choose a roof color which fits your neighborhood guidelines and your preferences.


The lifespan of conventional roofing materials varies somewhere in the vicinity of 20 to 30 years, whereas metal roofing materials can last two to four times as long. Although the initial installation and material costs for metal roofing materials may be more expensive, you’ll likely only need to pay to replace your roof once during your lifetime. You’ll also save money on the maintenance costs including labor and replacement materials.


Metal roofs are comprised of highly recyclable material. In many instances, 100 percent of the metal roofing materials can be reused at the end of their usable life. Most traditional roofing materials can’t be recycled and end up in landfills at the end of their lifespan. Each year, nearly 20 billion pounds of old roofing materials make their way into landfills in the United States alone.

Solar Panel Friendly

Solar panels will last, on average, for at least 30 years while the conventional asphalt roof has a life expectancy of approximately 20 years. If you’re debating investing in solar panels to save on electricity costs, consider upgrading to a metal roof as well. You’ll save money by avoiding removal and reinstallation costs when your asphalt shingles need replacing.

Additionally, many solar panels can be directly applied to metal roofs without any perforations or punctures. You’ll reduce your risk of leaks and maintain the integrity of your roofing material. Directly installed solar panels are also easy to install, which can lead to lower labor costs. A variety of aesthetically pleasing options are available.

Cleaner Runoff

Asphalt shingles can leach petroleum products into the rainwater that runs off of your roof. While capturing this rainwater and reusing it prevents the harmful products from contaminating waterbodies, it also concentrates the contamination around your home.

Metal roofing materials don’t leach the same harmful products into rainwater and provide cleaner sources of runoff. When you reuse the rainwater from your roof around your yard, you’ll reduce your exposure to dangerous petroleum products. Excess rainwater runoff will also carry fewer harmful chemicals and be better for the environment.


Traditional roofing materials are more likely to be damaged during storms and other weather events when compared to metal roofs. Maintenance costs to replace damaged materials, including labor, can add up in the long run. Choosing a more durable option will likely save you the most money over time.

Aside from being more durable, metal roofs are also lighter than many other conventional roofing materials such as stone and slate. Using heavier roofing materials means you must use stronger, more expensive structural components in your home’s framework to support the additional weight. Lighter metal roofs can translate to cost savings as you’ll have more options when it comes to choosing the appropriate framework to meet applicable building codes.

Metal roofs offer a long-term, sustainable and cost-effective solution for maintaining an environmentally conscious home.

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