From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Winter Home Repair–Three Ways a Damaged Roof Can Impact Your Energy Bills

COMFORT-woman-feeling-cold-near-radiator-shutterstock_180529322-3-e1480626827141The weather is getting cooler and dropping temperatures inevitably affects the energy cost. As you look for ways to keep your energy bills down remember to consider fixing your roof. Trying to keep your energy bills under control by finding drafts and sealing them or replacing old insulation in your windows will not help if you have a weak and battered roof. Roofs have a significant impact on energy bills.

Furthermore, delaying to repair on roofing system has both long-term and short-term effects. Here Are Some Simple Ways a Damaged Roof Can Impact Your Energy Bills:

Poor Ventilation under the Roof

Ventilation creates proper air intake through the roof and exhaust vents leading to a constant room temperature within the house. However, poor ventilation under the roof is a condition that has a direct link to increased energy bills. When you have a poorly-ventilated roof, moisture builds up in attic space and impacts energy efficiency as well as cause mildew and mold under the roof.


Once the roof has begun to leak, it will continue to do so until it is repaired because leaks expand and allow more water inside. Small holes that make the roofs leak will let cold air to get in during winter. If you ignore those leaks, then you will waste a lot of energy every time you put on your HVAC. Contractors, like those with Palmer Roofing, can check if your roof has holes and help in repairing it allowing you to enjoy your winter without stressing up.

Poor Attic Insulation

Improper or inadequate attic insulation may seem like a small issue, but it can lead to costly repairs and high bills on utility. A layer of insulation is meant to create a barrier that reduces the thermal transfer amount between a toasty attic and controlled air temperature in the room. However, if the attic is not insulated correctly, the amount of thermal transfer will be increased, and it will be difficult to control the air in the room. It will also lead to the loss of energy, which will force you to look for newer energy saving techniques hence increasing your utility bills.

You can save on energy bills if you handle the challenges highlighted above with caution. If you want to enjoy your winter and reduce your energy bills, you will need to invest in proper roof-ventilation and attic-insulation systems.

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