Trump on Climate Change: Be Very Afraid
This video contains a good example of what makes today’s living in America so uniquely horrifying. It’s Donald Trump, explaining on camera to Piers Morgan, British journalist and television personality, that climate change is a hoax: how temperatures are actually getting colder and ice caps are getting bigger.
There are only a few possible explanations for this astounding presentation, all of them terrifying. Either Trump:
• despite being surrounded by some of the world’s best scientific minds who are advising him of the truth in this matter, believes his understanding of climate science is superior to theirs, or
• understands and accepts the truth personally, but lies to a base of supporters most of whom he knows to be sufficiently ignorant and credulous that they’ll believe anything he says, or
• has lied so often for so many decades that truth and lies are no longer separate entities in his mind.
Although I have no real basis for picking one of the three, I personally believe the last, i.e., that Trump has lost his grasp on the truth/fiction dichotomy, much like people (and I’ve known one) who lie so often that they actually believe the lies.
This, FWIW, is the reason that there is no way on Earth that Trump’s attorneys will let him sit down for an interview with Mueller. Trump will tell so many lies in the first hour it will take days to count them–not because he doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation and will be dismissive and cavalier, but because Trump believes that all of this crap in his mind is true.
If the idea that the most powerful man on the planet is mentally unstable doesn’t scare you, I really don’t think anything will.
To paraphrase Orwell, War is Peace (for the warmongers) / Freedom is Slavery (for the unjustly powerful)/ Ignorance is Strength (for those who prey upon the ignorant).