From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakley: Five Energy-Efficient Solutions for Your Warehousing Business

Borowitz-Mueller-Rents-Giant-Warehouse-to-Store-Evidence-Against-Trump(Editor’s Note: Pictured–the warehouse Mueller rented to store evidence against Trump.) The push is for businesses to become more energy efficient across all industries. This has the benefit of saving you money as well as an improved image with your customer base. Most plans focus on how to make your building more efficient by working to conserve resources. This can also apply to your warehouse equipment. Here are some energy efficient solutions for your machinery.


Power Regulation Devices

Your equipment doesn’t necessarily need to run at full capacity all of the time. Installing a power regulating device can cut down on the amount of energy that your equipment utilizes. This regulator would be able to control how much current is needed for the operation of your machinery at any one time.


Routine Maintenance Protocols

Properly maintained equipment tends to function better. Changing out replaceable parts like the air compressor oil filter, and having a regular maintenance protocol can reduce the amount of downtime that you experience. There is also less of a drain on your power grid if your equipment doesn’t need to constantly ramp up and ramp down.


High Efficiency Motors for Automation

Moving to a more automated system can cut down on the extra waste of your warehouse. Install soft start motors in your conveyor belts and other similar systems. These motors eliminate the huge power drain that is associated with the startup of your machinery. They use less power because of their variable speed motors.


Examine Equipment Placement

Vertical equipment such as carousels and storage racks can decrease the amount of square footage that you need for your warehouse. A smaller footprint will reduce your overall energy consumption. This can allow you to design your warehouse space in a more energy efficient manner.


Sensors for Lighting Controls

One of the more obvious solutions for becoming more energy efficient is to reduce the amount of lighting that you need. Install motion detecting light sensors that will turn off the lights when they aren’t in use. You can also have dimmer switches installed that will vary the lighting to reduce your energy footprint. Your employees can turn the lights up if they’re doing a task that requires more visibility.


Technology has improved your ability to be more eco-friendly in your business practices. Your equipment is an important part of your business model when you operate out of a warehouse. Having solutions that can make this machinery work in a more energy efficient manner is the wave of the future.

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