From Guest Blogger Emma Joyce: Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

HomeSlide_2Many people like searching for new ways to lower their utility bills and although it may sometimes seem like an impossible task, there are a few tricks that might help you. Of course, the point is consuming less energy than before, but also minimizing the number of power sources as well. With a little investment and few simple rules, even those who think there’s nothing more they can do in order to save power will be amazed at these ideas. The reason why this is something you need to start doing immediately is because it’s not just about saving money – it’s also about paying attention to the environment! You won’t have to completely change your entire way of life and even the smallest of changes can really go a long way.


Use energy-efficient appliances

If need new appliances, be sure they have an Energy Star label on them before you make a purchase. These models use significantly less power and water than the alternatives, and this will make a huge difference and really allow you to use their full potential. Don’t let their price trick you into thinking they’re not in your price range, but think out of the box for a while.

Although they’re pricier, investing in these appliances is surely going to pay off in the future since they save you money every time you use them. You can always find local stores and check the sales, and therefore purchase your appliances when they’re in your price range. Also, you can check the websites that offer used appliances and buy them at a much lower price. Keep in mind that you can easily use the money you save this way to get even more appliances than you’ve initially planned on getting.


Change your light bulbs

This is probably the least expensive change you can make, and it can be done in seconds. By installing LED bulbs, you’ll lower the amount of power required to light up every room of your home, and the best thing about these bulbs is that they can last several years – so they’re definitely worth the investment! In addition to that, they’re also beneficial to your health, given that the light they provide is much softer and eye-pleasing.

Nevertheless, before you add new lighting, don’t forget to establish a good electricity connection that will provide you with enough power all day long. This light source uses more than 75% less energy and last ten times longer than regular ones, but it still needs a stable electric current. Finally, opt for LED bulbs even when you’re installing decorative lighting and you’ll have something beautiful and sustainable wrapped in one design.


Install a programmable thermostat

This is probably where the most of your electricity is wasted and you spend your money on basically nothing. When you’re not at home, turn off your heating/cooling system, and program it to turn back on before you arrive home. After all, an option to automatically change the temperature will come in particularly handy when you want to adjust it to your schedule.

Additionally, there’s no need to lower the temperature if you’re not at home – just set it to change during the day and you’ll be getting the same results as if you were adjusting it on your own. After a while, you’ll get the hang of timing and be able to make your air conditioning run smoothly, ultimately always coming home into a well air-conditioned space.


Check your doors and windows

If your doors and windows are broken, you’re letting the air go right through them and literally throwing money away. Check for holes and repair them, or just install new doors and windows – that’s the best way to minimize the use of your A/C.

However, checking for potential damage is sometimes not enough and you should make sure you’ve sealed the leaks properly and no air can go through. Sometimes, this can be a bigger problem than you’ve imagined, and you need to fix it before it gets even bigger. Apart from that, house insulation plays a major role in regulating temperature, so boost it and use less power to cool and heat your rooms because this improvement will help you sustain the perfect temperature longer than before.


These easy improvements will help you lower your bills and save you a ton of money. Apart from that, you’ll have a sustainable home, and this is becoming a global trend that attracts more and more people who are deciding to adjust their home in accordance with the rules of sustainability. Making a detailed plan is crucial and you can focus on basically every appliance and gadget at your home. Some of these tips require quite a bit of patience and can’t be done overnight but are ultimately worth the time and money you’ve put into them.

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