Staying Excited About Moving To Cleaner Energy Sometimes Requires Work

imagesIn the U.S., new capacity for electrical power generation will consist almost exclusively of solar, wind, and natural gas this year, according to the Energy Information Administration.  And actually, if the new gas plants don’t come online this December as planned, virtually all new demand for 2018 will be met by solar and wind.

As we’ve discussed extensively here, America is doing a reasonably good job at phasing out coal.  Now, if we can make this happen in Asia, we’ll have an energy mix that is far less toxic to our bodies and to our environment than the one we’re inhaling now.

We need to stay excited about this, folks.  Yes, I know it’s hard, when our news cycles are dominated by things like the three-way senate race in Arizona which features two overt criminals (an extortionist and an 85-year-old sadist found guilty of misdemeanor contempt of court) and an Alex Jones-style conspiracy theorist.  I hope you’ll check this out if you want a good laugh.


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