Climate Science: Whom Should We Believe?

37179119_1764398023651571_8432538055079886848_nI had to laugh when I came across this just now.

It reminds me of a Facebook friend whose entire life, it seems, is arguing with climate change deniers. The other day, out of curiosity, I looked up one of her debate opponents. The usual profile: Trump supporter, immigrant hater, etc. Turns out he’s an auto mechanic somewhere in rural Indiana.

Now, before you start thinking that I’m a snob, I have a great deal of respect for people who work with their hands. But here’s what I wrote to my friend:

Sandy: This guy is an auto mechanic. He replaces brake pads. Why do you think he is in a position to argue about climate science? Suppose he were a lifeguard at the community pool, a pastry chef at the Marriott, or a manager at the local Starbucks. Who could possibly care what he thinks about climate change?


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One comment on “Climate Science: Whom Should We Believe?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Please don’t take offence, but like most of the leftist elite you are an unwitting snob !

    Within the confines of your little intellectual coterie, you delude each other about the brotherhood of man and the measure of your love and respect for the “people”.

    Sadly, like all pedantic, ideologues, you possess no real feeling for the plight of ordinary people. Nor do you understand or empathize with their aspirations. Your political and ideological convictions are merely a combination of early childhood religious moral philosophy and fashionable vague leftist ideology acquired during college.

    You are a typical product of the aging affluent,educated, comfortable, baby boom, Western middle class. I don’t say this to offend, or be disrespectful, I don’t believe you understand of comprehend how smug and supercilious you appear to others.

    Like many well-intentioned folk, you can’t conceive how self-righteous and hypocritical your attitude has become.

    Why should anyone’s opinion be sniggered at or dismissed because their spelling or vocabulary isn’t perfect ? Isn’t the thoughts, reasoning and opinion being communicated more important than pedantic grammar ?

    In my experience, those who contemptuously dismiss the content on such pedantic grounds are usually afraid of the truths in the content.

    Mark Twain wrote “I know grammar by ear only, not by the rules.”

    But let’s just extrapolate your argument a little shall we ? If no one but a “Climate Scientist ” (although what qualifications to hold such a title seem to be a bit vague and contentious) should discuss climate change, then by the same standard, only lawyers should discuss legislation, Doctors, medicine, industrialists, industry etc.

    That pretty much destroys the foundation of democratic representative government, doesn’t it ?

    I mean, why should totally unqualified voters be allowed to decide complex questions ? Only qualified voters be allowed. Perhaps a test should be instituted (you can where this is going!)

    I care about what a lifeguard at the community pool, a pastry chef at the Marriott, or a manager at the local Starbucks thinks about climate change ! I care very much !

    The reason I care, is I need his tax, or consumer money (which represent hours of his life spent working for that money) to spend on investing in new, clean(er) technology.

    Joe Public’s opinion and support is absolutely essential ! Without support and conviction among the general populace for continuous, objective and participatory debate, we would slide into an abyss of totalitarianism.

    Totalitarians always start out with the best of intentions, convinced only they have the answer for all ills. They begin with the belief they acting nobly and with the best interests for all as their objective. Somehow, the result almost always ends in misery, repression, failure and bloodshed.

    You are entitled to your beliefs, but in a free society, when you seek to impose those beliefs on your fellow citizen, you enter into a contract with all citizens.

    That contract means the opinions all citizens hold equal merit and must be equally evaluated. Representative democracy requires rule by the majority, while preserving and protecting the rights of the minority to express dissent peacfully.

    An imperfect system for sure, but a a great man one said, less imperfect than all the rest !

    The public has every right to be suspicious and wary of “experts” ! Invariably, history has shown many “experts” “pundits” and prophets, proved wrong, often with disastrous consequences.

    The price of gaining the support of lifeguards, pastry chefs at the Marriott, Starbucks managers, and even auto-mechanics, is listening and considering their opinions!

    But then, you’re not very good at listening to even dissenting “experts”, are you ?

    Even the emotive phrasing you employ to describe those with whom you disagree, reveals a deep seated level of discrimination toward your fellow citizen, and a desire to de-personalize and degrade by sneeringly depicting others as stereotypes !

    As I said earlier, I certainly don’t believe you act like this intentionally, nor do you realize the impact on your victims. (that’s the beauty of de-personalizing, it gives you permission to degrade without a guilty conscience).

    I invite you to objectively consider your depiction,” Trump supporter, immigrant hater, etc. Turns out he’s an auto mechanic somewhere in rural in Indiana”.

    Think about your implied meanings. Are you really saying this person is without merit and inferior because he :

    1) Supports a different political candidate than you ?.
    2) Differs on policies concerning illegal migration ?.
    3) Lives in a rural community ?
    4) Is a resident of Indiana ?
    5) Is a “lowly” auto-mechanic ?

    It may be very hard for “elitists” to understand, but yes, the only “experts” that really matter, are the common people ! When they vote, pay tax, consume, invest, work, volunteer, defend and serve the nations, they all qualify as experts on the society they want, who they listen to, and how the government spends their money!

    Oh, and it is their money, not the governments, not yours, but theirs ! Governments have no “money by right” , only what the people collectively provide.

    Unfortunately, the truth in leftist ideology can be witnessed by it’s propensity,(once seizing power), to include the term ” The Peoples Democratic Party “, in the national title !

    Sadly, reality proves the “people” to be savagely oppressed, Democracy ruthlessly suppressed, and the only “party” is the lavish affairs provided for the benefit of a small ruling elite !

    Craig, I urge you to have more confidence in your fellow citizens and their opinions. You need their support.