Trumpland Is a Very Strange Place To Live

39442794_2257740277652347_7221828955211300864_nApparently, Trump supporters are OK with their hero’s habitual lying, but don’t they find themselves in something of a pickle regarding his punishing his critics, whether with abusive language (e.g., Omarosa/dog) or with the tools at his disposal as the senior executive (e.g., Brennan/security clearance)?

How do they process these words of Teddy Roosevelt?

Are they so enamored of his bashing immigrants, welfare for the rich, and destroying the environment they refuse to hold to any standard of behavior?  Help me.  I’m lost here.

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3 comments on “Trumpland Is a Very Strange Place To Live
  1. Nobody really understands how trump thinks, so I can’t help you there. But what I can tell you is that we brought this upon ourselves by voting for him. As much as I hate to admit it, he only won because he was the favourite in the election. We didn’t know him well enough from his campaign to judge what he would do. The only thing we can do now is to wait for the next election and vote for someone who has some intelligence.

  2. marcopolo says:


    You’re lost because you are so biased and partisan you can’t achieve any degree of balance and have created a sort of parallel universe where reality is distorted through a prism of your own beliefs.

    What you and the more hysterical of the left media claim are “lies” are simply the President’s opinions or interpretations.

    On the other hand you have no objection to the NYT, CNN, or Washington Post publishing a Photograph of children in detention cages, with the headline “Exclusive ! Shocking pictures of Trump’s children in cages Shame” !” etc.

    The “fact” that these photo’s were used with the media outlets editors, sub editors and journalists all knowing the pictures were old file footage from 2014, doesn’t strike you as a “lie” ?

    You can excuse these “lies’, because the “end justifies the means” . You endorse the headline “Trump gags the media” , when all he’s done is refuse to be interviewed by certain journalists.

    To achieve balance, or even understanding, you need to stop obsessing and become objective.

    But than again, as you’ve previously admitted, you don’t do objectivity, do you? 🙂

  3. marcopolo says:


    Perhaps you could try reading the fairly centrist commentator, Joe Concha writing in The Hill.

    The bizzare headline from Joel Simon, in CNN online, pontificates :

    “If the Media Speaks With One Voice, Trump Will Have to Listen.”

    Basically, Joel Simon’s article reiterates the editor of the Guardian, bemoaning the President’s belief he doesn’t need media approval and can speak directly to the people.

    These media outlets are outraged that social media has ended the stronghold the media has had over politicians in someway that has ended “freedom of the press” .

    The idea a President, or any individual, should be allowed to elect not to place themselves immediately at the convenience of the media and kowtow to journalists is an outrages to great to be borne in the opinion of the self deludes scribblers!

    The is no “attack on freedom of the press”, what is occurring is growing resistance to prevent the press attacking the freedom of others.