Sorry, Sweden

40379678_753599501645623_3598937712192651264_nFrom this piece of the Global Happiness Index:

Traditionally, the global index has been dominated by Europe’s Nordic countries.  The five Nordic countries that continually score high in the ranking “are doing something right in terms of creating good conditions for good lives,” noted Meik Wiking, CEO of the Copenhagen-based Happiness Research Institute. “Briefly put, (these countries ) are good at converting wealth into well-being.”

Sorry, Sweden. We like our incredible income inequality, 40 million people living in poverty, lousy public education,  two-tiered justice system, white supremacy, expensive and low-quality healthcare, and, of course, ubiquitous guns. If some communist wants a law to make it tough for a mentally unsound person to buy a gun at a Walmart, we go insane.

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2 comments on “Sorry, Sweden
  1. marcopolo says:


    I’m not sure what value you seem to believe exists in equating a rose tinted vision of small nations fortunately favoured nations, as examples of how huge nations like the US should be organized.

    Like Costa Rica, Sweden in many ways is an admirable small nation, but just like Costa Rica, Sweden also has problems and defects, it’s not the paradise leftist propaganda portray.