California: Rise for Climate, Jobs, & Justice

40679204_10156897409207708_8609535121931894784_oThe largest climate rally in history, California: Rise for Climate, Jobs, & Justice, is happening in San Francisco this coming Saturday, September 8th.

I can’t make this one, but I will be at Saturday morning’s meeting of the Santa Barbara chapter of the Citizen’s Climate Lobby, a huge proponent of Carbon Fee and Dividend, the best approach to providing incentive for creating a low-carbon future.




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2 comments on “California: Rise for Climate, Jobs, & Justice
  1. It’s great that people are taking action! We need more people like these if we want to change the world! The more people care about this, the sooner We will be able to persuade others. Once 90% of the population of America believes in this, Trump won’t be able to do anything!

  2. marcopolo says:

    Craig and Susan,

    Meanwhile in the real world, the administrations policies are bring prosperity to millions of ordinary and underprivileged Americans’

    The US Department of Labor reported average hourly earnings rose 3 percent in August from a year earlier, the sharpest jump since June 2007.

    Working class pay is finally increasing at a noticeably higher pace than the 2.3 percent yearly inflation tracked by the Federal Reserve, giving households more spending power.

    The misery of unemployment, and underemployment has dropped to historically low levels as the work force finally begins to recover long lost blue collar employment. The flow on has social benefits as the pressure welfare budgets and service eases, and spending returns to poorer communities.

    This is real community building progress, not a bunch of affluent, self-indulgent leftist holding a hypocrisy-fest in San Francisco or Santa Barbara.

    Tens of millions of Americans are witnessing a miracle of hope returning to their communities, as job opportunities long conceded as lost forever are suddenly rebounding with the election of an administration more interested in the bringing prosperity to the American working class,than exporting jobs and technology to third world sweat shops or rivals like China.

    But hey, go ahead, have a little festival, enjoy yourself smugly discussing how to spend other peoples money on ever more wasteful, failed tax schemes, while the rest of nation earns the money to pay the taxes you are so ready to waste.

    Spend, pretend and enjoy, after all you wouldn’t be true Californian dreamers if you didn’t, right ?