On Facebook, Climate Change Deniers Are Everywhere

april-globe-temps-nasa_0I have a Facebook friend who’s constantly “getting into it” with climate change deniers.  Exactly why, I’m not sure.  I very much doubt these are real people expressing their own candid thoughts; it seems far more likely they’re paid agents of Russia, big oil, or whatever. There are literally thousands of them, and they all seem to be reading from the same script.

I seldom look at these posts, but for whatever reason, I happened to notice one by “Walt Brown” (Aleksandr Popov?) just now who wrote: Do these people understand that trees and other plants require CO2 to survive. In return they give off oxygen. CO2 is required for a healthy planet.

My reply: Gosh, Walt. I guess all these PhD-carrying climate scientists doing their research and teaching in our universities somehow missed that point (that we all learned in 2nd or 3rd grade).  That explains everything.  Now we can all cease our senseless worries.  Thanks for the reminder.

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2 comments on “On Facebook, Climate Change Deniers Are Everywhere
  1. marcopolo says:


    Global Warmimg/Climate Change has spawned a spectrum of advocates about all descriptions, levels of knowledge, and sanity.

    Politicization has engendered huge new renewable energy industries with all the usual vested interests and enthusiasts while a new sort of quasi-religion has formed on the fringes within a much larger political-ideological movement with deeply embedded roots in the old socialist left philosophies.

    There’s no denying over the last 10-15 years academia and research has benefited enormously from the importance of climate change with some scientist-environmentalists gaining almost rock star status among the young.

    Huge bureaucracies have been created, while vast amounts of public money has been spent on talk fests, conferences, treaties, agreements, manifestos of varying value.

    For the legal profession, especially in the USA, GW-CC has been an enormous boon.

    Global warming-Climate science has become a big politics and an even bigger big business.

    For Facebook devotees, and other forms of social media, GW-CC is irresistible. (look at us :))

    However, I doubt there are any GW-CC climate skeptics paid by sinister Russians, oil companies etc. Why would they bother ?

    Oil companies produce products essential to modern society. Of the 350,000 product from oil, gasoline and diesel are among the lowest profit margins, yet the demand for gasoline and diesel is intense and growing. The market for oil products is increasing faster than the product can be provided, ..so what’s to protect?

    Skeptics raise awkward questions, well,.. that’s the nature of skepticism. Inventing silly conspiracy theories and fantasies, well that’s the nature of “true believers”.

    Then again,there’s always Facebook, tw2itter etc, home to the crazies of all persuasions…..

  2. What kind of a statement is that? Saying “Do these people understand that trees and other plants require CO2 to survive. In return they give off oxygen. CO2 is required for a healthy planet.” is like saying that since we need oxygen, we should just breathe pure oxygen, which is dangerous and can cause oxygen poisoning. Is too much of a good thing, still a good thing? The answer is no. We are producing too much co2 for plants to consume, which is sending tons into the atmosphere. This co2 then makes a layer around the atmosphere and traps heat.