Sustainable Burial: Why Not Become a Tree?
I don’t know if this will become a thing, but it’s certainly what I want for my own body when I no longer require it. It’s a small contribution, but why not make it, if you don’t have a better idea?
My current request is a mushroom suit, but I think I like this even better.
Not an easy subject to contemplate. Death can be a very confronting and emotional time for those still living, especially those in urban settings.
I love the idea of of the “mushroom suit” and it’s certainly better than most alternatives although it doesn’t address the question of what to do with increasing numbers of humans with lots of artificial bits and pieces, such as Heart Pacemakers, titanium limb reinforcements, hip replacements etc.
Many “green” disposal details can be a bit gruesome when described in detail and overwhelming for relatives of the diseased to cope with when making arrangements, while fewer and fewer baby boomers seem to be able to bring themselves to prepare for the end of their mortal existence.
Thank you for featuring this important industry, often neglected by green advocates.
I wouldn’t want a tree planted on my grave. Not because I think it’s stupid, but because I know how stupid corporate companies can be. They’ll probably start cutting down those trees too.