America in Transition

usa-election-trumpIn a post earlier today I lamented what appears to be the transition the U.S. is making from democracy to oligarchy.  This raises a couple of questions, like How did it happen? and How strong was the democracy in the first place?

Both are answered in this short video, one that would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

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One comment on “America in Transition
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hey, I’m looking at the crowd of the President’s supporters in the photo.

    Hmmmm,…nope maybe I can’t see it, but not many look like oligarch to me ! In fact, mostly they look just like plain folks, decent, hard working Americans ?

    Over at the Democrat fund raiser, you might find billionaires, like Meg Whitman. Warren Buffet, Tom Steyer, Marc Cuban,Oprah Winfrey, Mike Bloomberg,George Soros,Sheryl Sandberg,Marc Benioff,Seth Klarman,Haim Saban, J.B. Pritzker, and of course the heirs to the Walmart fortune, along with many others !

    Poor ol’ Don, not even the Koch Brothers like him ! But then again, all those working class Americans turn out an vote for their hero.

    Yeah, that’s right, all those who once voted Democrat !

    Oh, it’s true the young privileged college students and the old middle class left, may lionize Bernie Sanders (at least until they graduate and get a job), but Trump country is a coalition of blue collar and conservatives who have found themselves a President who speaks their language, American !

    This President is bringing back jobs and prosperity, without all the useless political rhetoric and hypocrisy.

    These folks were ignored, patronized and despised for so long, they went and found a champion.