People Don’t Like To Be Scared with Bullcrap

49773480_2026545694047490_7403219541678882816_nAccording to the honest people who have been to the southern border, there is no ” invasion.”  It’s not an “infestation.”  Trump’s tweet here is nothing other than an attempt to a)  scare Trump’s supporters into continuing to back him, and b) distract people from the real events of the day–especially the fact that Trump is under legal attack from a dozen different directions simultaneously. 

I’m reminded of a call-in radio show I did a few years ago when a far-right-wing host interviewed me on climate change, after which he and I fielded a few live calls.  It was immediately and plainly clear that his listeners didn’t cotton to me, as they were, apparently, mostly climate change deniers.  One guy was so angry with me I could almost see his clenched fists trembling; in fact, he was so enraged with my “scaring innocent people with bullcrap” that he could barely speak, but eventually made a statement that he finished up by calling me a “cockroach.”

I tried to calm him down by explaining that I’m simply a guy who speaks with a great number of scientists, and trusts what they tell him.  I believe in the theory of evolution, the big bang, quantum mechanics and so forth — not because I’ve independently verified them, but because I don’t believe there’s a better way to get at the truth on matters like these than to accept the findings of highly intelligent people who have studied them their entire lives.  I know many of these people personally, and the idea that all these university professors and the like have formed a giant conspiracy to perpetrate the largest hoax in human history doesn’t hold water with me.

Having said all this, I can see his point from his own perspective.  It’s true; people don’t like to be scared with bullcrap.



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3 comments on “People Don’t Like To Be Scared with Bullcrap
  1. marcopolo says:


    Sadly, like the truculent democrats leading the house of Representatives in Congress, being happily ensconced in affluent Santa Barbara you are blithely, or deliberately ignoring the humanitarian tragedy playing out on the Southern border of the USA, and far worse along the migrant route through Latin America.

    Is your hatred of President trump so great that you would wantonly allow the situation to intensify ? Are ensuring a petty triumph over a president you dislike, worth so much human misery ?

    President Trump didn’t create or exasperate the problem of illegal migration, the problem has been growing for decades as much of Latin America has sunk into a violent,poverty stricken, corrupt morass of dysfunctional failed states.

    Mexico is totally unprepared and incapable to cope with the massive influx of undocumented migrants.

    The US border control agencies are overwhelmed. These agencies are resources to deal with the scale of illegal migration on the Southern Border. The President’s concept of a highly visible barrier, or Wall, is a practical solution and deterrent. It has to be accompanied by rigorous and vigilant enforcement to ensure the immediate deportation of migrant to deprive any potential illegal migrant the hope of enjoy the success of attempting illegal entry to the US.

    The Democrats have no viable alternative. There only answer is the tired old failed policies that encouraged the problem to reach the current crisis and allowed massive corruption and unprecedented human misery.

    When President Trump, Doctors without Borders, the UN, Amnesty international, and thousands of other international organizations of every political hue and persuasion all agree that the effect of illegal migration to the US is a human tragedy of unparalleled misery, who the hell are you to sneeringly dismiss this catastrophe as “bullcrap”.

    Last year along the illegal migrant trail, more than 100,000 females were raped,(most repeatedly) many of these were underage females, infected with a wide range of venereal diseases, some infected with newly developing super-bugs that don’t respond to anti-biotics.

    Tens of thousands of children were abducted to become drug mules or sex salves. Mexico estimates at least 50,000 illegal migrants are working as sex salves for Cartels or criminal gangs.

    At least 12,000 people per year lose their lives pursuing illegal migration to the US.

    These figures may just be the tip of the iceberg, since the real statistics are difficult to obtain.

    The President is correct, at least he went and saw for himself, this is an invasion, a human tragedy on a monumental scale! Smug liberals and bleating Democrats have no answer, just vague hatred of the President.

    “No Wall” cry the “never trumpers”, not because the crisis doesn’t exist, not because they have a better policy, not because the money can’t be found, but just because they don’t want the president to fulfill his election promise.

    The “Wall” will act as a visible deterrent, maybe not 100% full proof, but an effective deterrent. Once the flow of illegal migration decreases to a trickle the US can begin to increase orderly, safe, controlled legal migration.

    Why would any compassionate person campaign to maintain, and increase the current level of human misery ?

  2. marcopolo says:


    It’s been a week since you posted this article, during which the President has been hard at work visiting the southern border and attending to other Presidential duties.

    Meanwhile they Democrats in congress have taken a vacation in sunny resorts, escaping the consequences of their petty spite.

    One of the President’s more pleasurable duties was to host a White House reception for the Clemson Tigers, a college football team that just won the national championship.

    Roger Kimball’s coverage of this event in the American Spectator is hilarious, and effectively skewers the po-faced hypocrite at CNN etc.

    The dinner highlights the President’s “everyman” appeal, unafraid to have fun and not be always careful to appear politically correct.

    His message was simple, homespun and very American. Since the catering staff of the White House have been furloughed, the President personally paid for an abundance of pizza, burgers fries etc. (anything, as long as it’s American).

    The diner was a huge success with all the participants reporting it was fun, relaxed and everyone had a great time.

    The Democrats wanted to hold a rival event, but could find enough legislators who weren’t in some exotic clime and no one wanted to attend a tofu diner with a large compulsory helping of sanctimonious sermonizing.

    Go on, I dare you ! Read Roger Kimball’s account, [] . in one short article, Roger Kimball illustrates why while the President’s poll peercentages have slightly decreased due to the shutdown, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s poll support has plummeted !

    The polls also indicate a growing support for the President and as the weeks drag by, he is regaining the initiative while the Dems are looking increasingly obstructionist.

    If you’ll forgive me, I just can’t resist one paraphrase from Kimball’s article:

    “Donald Trump paid for the repast himself, 1,000 hamburgers he said at one point, though fact checkers at the publicity arm of the Democratic National Committee said that there were probably no more than 600 (the rest being pizza etc). Since FBI agents were in attendance, the matter is being referred to Special Counsel Robert Mueller for investigation”.