What Can Nature Teach Us?
There are probably a dozen posts here on biomimicry, the science of looking at nature for clues as to designing things and solving problems. As the subject’s most visible spokesperson, Janine Benyus, says in her fabulous Ted Talk, “For centuries we’ve been learning about nature; now it’s time to learn from her.”
Janine Benyus at TEDGlobal 2009
The meme here claims to be about biomimicry, and, at a certain level, it most certainly is, but I wonder if its creator wasn’t suggesting that this is the way our entire civilization should function.
Ah yes, a wise, benevolent “Mother Earth” , nurturing and with a distinctly moral dimension, ignored and rejected by wicked humans at their peril.
How very Californian, very much in the spirit of the Age of Aquarius.
Also, what complete silly nonsense !
There are no “rules of bio-mimicry” dictated by “Mother Earth”, just random evolution and human imagination and a desperate desire to interpret natural events to fit into a human philosophy.