Problems in the American Voter Base

51536749_2537121986304541_3152810869222539264_nThe American electorate has several problems, some obvious, others hidden.  On the surface, we have the corporate propagandists, the overt racists, xenophobes, homophobes, gun nuts, Christian fanatics, war-mongers, etc.  Equally, we have the amoral rich who can’t wait for the next tax break that comes at the expense of public education, public health, Meals on Wheels, or some program to help keep kids in school, and out of gangs and prisons.

Beneath the surface, we have people whose intellect and level of education leads them to make signs like the one shown here.

A sustainable democracy requires a voter base that can think, at least at some rudimentary level.

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One comment on “Problems in the American Voter Base
  1. marcopolo says:


    How dreadful for you to have to share a country with all those morally and intellectually inferior citizens !

    It must be very tiresome when you experience dissent from your point of view and opinion, but never mind, soldier on, it’s what put’s the ‘demo’ in democracy :).