Trump and Environmental Collapse

maxresdefault (5)Here is a well-made video outlining the seven major ways in which Donald Trump has worked to accelerate the rate of climate change and expand the damage that it’s causing.

Yes, he has:

• Ignored and buried the report on climate change that experts had invested four years into compiling, which showed clearly that the consequences of inaction would be both environmental and economic collapse.

• Dismantled the Endangered Species Act which had effectively slowed the extinction over the previous 45 years; this has enabled Trump to convert wildlife habitat into oil and gas exploration fields.

• Sold off mass amounts of public land to the fossil fuel industry, including the 19 million acre Arctic Wildlife Refuge, by cutting the review time and expediting the process for moving lands into the possession of those who would exploit it for personal profit.

• Replacing the Clean Power Plan with a dirty one, slashing regulation and removing the incentive for the states to invest in renewable energy, as well as extending the lives of the dirtiest coal-fired power plants that are causing sickness and death across the country.

• Slapping a 30% tariff on solar panels, resulting in the cancellation or postponement of $8 billion of solar projects and the loss of thousands of American jobs.

• Appointed a coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, who has rolled back numerous environmental protections, diminished the role of science at the EPA, and attacked clean cars and trucks–a move that, if successful, would cause Americans to spend an average of $250 more at the pump annually, and would contribute to a significant rise in CO2 and pollution.

• Aggressively withdrawn the U.S. from its leadership position in environmental responsibility.

Indeed, all this is true.  But here’s something to consider:

The “Trump phenomenon” has little to do with Trump himself; he’s more the symptom than the cause of the disease.  There are enormous numbers of Americans who are so ignorant that they believe that their own personal lives are made better by environmental degradation. Huge swaths of America think that climate change and renewable energy are concepts foisted upon them by liberals who are actively undermining U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace.

As long as this is the case, America has no chance of recovering its standing as a leader, or even a follower, in environmental stewardship.

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One comment on “Trump and Environmental Collapse
  1. marcopolo says:


    Yep, that terrible President Trump imposing a tariff on all those cheap and highly pollutant Chinese made panels!

    Your claim that the President is destroying American jobs shows how completely out of touch with reality you really are ! The US currently has the lowest rate of unemployment in over 50 years ! most of that employment has been in blue collar jobs.

    The President has replaced an ineffective, expensive, employment killing plan with an aggressive and plan to have Clean(er) Energy technology become competitive with China and India.

    The administration is using US produced coal and LPG to reduce European dependence on Russian exports of gas and wood chipping ancient forests.

    Your hatred of President Trump and your blindness to reality leaves you increasingly living in a fantasy of distorted bizarro world.

    You’re in danger of being perpetually stuck in the dreams of 2010.

    The evidence of this is your refusal to acknowledge any new tech developed after that period, and worse, you ignore many of the failures occurring since then.

    Sadly, the problem of getting people motivated about the excitement of new clean(er) technology isn’t the President, but you!