Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

UntitledThe meme here implies that the presence of hate speech caused the increase in hateful behavior.  Yet it’s also possible that Trump chose places to hold rallies in places that happened to be showing increasing susceptibility to his hateful rhetoric.  (This has a ring of truth to it, insofar as Trump is the first president in living memory who, once elected, never tried to expand his base, but chose to consolidate it and further enrage it.)

In addition, it could be that some unknown third phenomenon is causing both Trump’s presence and hate crime.  This is one of the pitfalls associated with statistical analyses; one needs to avoid proving what one’s already assumed.

One thing’s certain, however: it will be a great time in U.S. history when all this is behind us and we can rejoin civilized society.

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2 comments on “Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
  1. marcopolo says:


    This is one of your more interesting posts. In the middle of a fairly standard, pitiful rant against the President, even hinting at some dark and unnamed conspiracy theory, you post a rational, intelligent observation.

    ” pitfalls associated with statistical analyses; one needs to avoid proving what one’s already assumed “.

    Well done! It’s unfortunate you never seem lately to apply this principle, but it’s very heartening to see you still acknowledge it exists 🙂 .

  2. marcopolo says:


    Hmmm,….could it be the reason for a lack of your usual passionate and vehement outrage and abuse against the President is the result of the Mueller inquiry ending (as I predicted) with a whimper, not a bang?

    None of the Americans charged by Mueller is accused of conspiring with Russia to interfere in the election. (The whole purpose of the inquiry). Mueller has asked for no new indictments.

    Instead, those prosecuted were charged with various crimes including lying to the FBI (a ‘crime’ of dubious legality) completely unrelated to the President or the purpose of the inquiry.

    Attorney-General Barr wrote to Congress confirming Mueller’s superiors never rejected an investigative step he wanted to take. He also confirmed Mueller never sought to subpoena the President.

    All the other “investigations” and inquiries, will now be viewed as politically motivated, “get Trump” stunts of increasingly dubious standing and will also be dismissed or fizzle out.

    The fallout from Mueller’s activities will have serious repercussions for the FBI, Mueller’s methods, certain intelligence officials and Hillary Clinton, her advisors, campaign officials, Democrat party officials, and various murky Ukrainians.

    The GOP can relax and take time to plan how to ramp up counter investigations into a lot of the wrong doing committed by their democrat persecutors coming into 2020.

    Will it all never end?