Check Out a Talk on “Holistic Land Management”
Eric writes:
I am making a presentation on April 3rd at 7 PM at Unity of Santa Barbara. A flyer is presented here for your review. Registration is free, here. Please join me for a night of fun and education about our local ecology, what we can do about the recurring issues of the fires and floods, and what we can do to address climate change.
For more information visit my new website at
Thank you, and I hope to see you there!
Eric Adler
One Season Productions
Perhaps the most endearing quality of Clifford Allan Redin Savory, is his willingness to admit when he’s wrong, and seek ways to correct his mistakes.
The same can’t be said of his critics like the odious George Monbiot of the Guardian or eco-pest vegan, James McWilliams.
Allan Savory certainly has his supporters. Whether or not anyone attending one of his lectures accept all Savory’s conclusions, the time spent listening would still be a worthwhile learning experience.
Allan Savory present an interesting viewpoint and much of his information is verified and demonstratively practical, other conclusions, less so. Most attendees will find something of value in his lectures, if only a thought provoking challenge to popular misconceptions.
It’s important diverse voices such as Allan Savory are heard, debated and considered. Sadly, this is an era when dissent, diversity and debate is increasingly suppressed in the name of political correctness, intolerance and fanaticism.
The US President should be congratulated for striking a blow for freedom of speech this week when he signed an executive order to withhold federal research funding from universities that fail to support free speech on campus.
The President acted after years of increasingly violent and coordinated actions saw students and speakers subjected to violence for debating opinions contrary to those held by relatively small, but violent groups of fanatics.
The President cited the case of a student of Georgetown University who challenged Georgetown University part time Professor Christine Fair’s declaration:
” All white men “deserve miserable deaths” and “we should castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”
The young female student was subjected to a long, abusive and obscene rant from Professor Fair,who accused the student of “being complicit in an effort to ‘protect male privilege’ and wage a war against women” .
Not only did Professor Fair encourage her followers to bully and harass the unfortunate student, but endorsed violent action to silence her and all others who may listen to her concern.
When the student made a formal complaint to Georgetown University, the University responded by saying that Prof Fair’s expressions did not violate the University’s policies.
The traumatized student had enough and transferred. The University settled a threat of court action, with a large payment and rewarded Professor Fair by moving up her “international research leave”.
This is not the first time Christine Fair has been involved in such behavior.
In 2018 Christine Fair was informed by Frankfurt Airport authorities she would have to dispose of a container of liquid deodorant as it violate air safety regulations and why she had falsely signed a form declaring she had no container of that description.
Fair responded with a tirade of abuse calling the officials and German Police “sexist, thugs and NAZI’s” and continued with an expletive laden tirade until being arrested, charged and deported.
Despite the entire incident being filmed and recorded, she subsequently published an HuffPost article rejecting the police account of the incident.
Sadly, Professor Fair is not alone in this sort of behaviour. Once Universities were a haven haven for free speech and diversity of opinion, today they are increasingly becoming places of fear and oppression.
Thousands of complaints have been lodged about a growing atmosphere of oppression and violence toward any form of dissent on college campus.
President Trump stated in signing the order, ” “People who are confident in their beliefs do not censor others. They welcome free, fair and open debate.”
The editor of the New York Times responded by defending the right of leftist students , academics and other concerned organizations to deny a platform, even if it meant using violent methods, to students, speakers or organizations with “unacceptable opinions”.
It’s certainly feels a world turn upside down, when Donald J Trump becomes the defender of free speech, while the editor of the NYT becomes an advocate for violent censorship !