Is Trump Godly?

UntitledI’m not sure on this one, Michele.  Letting poor people die of curable diseases, putting children in cages, committing adultery with porn stars, endorsing racists, supporting tyrants, mangling the environment for money, profiting from the presidency, cutting food programs for the hungry, banning entire religions from entry into the country and supporting genocide abroad.  I’ll have to think on this a little further before I can weigh in on your assertion.

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One comment on “Is Trump Godly?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Think ? You actually think before your automatic “outrage-rant” switch flips each time the President’s name is mentioned !? .

    You repeat the same old lies over and over as if with enough repetition they will become true.

    Why ? You know no children were “put in cages”, and child detention was a necessary policy decision of the Obama administration, but you persist.

    Equally, you can’t actually cite any reference to the President “endorsing racists”, but you persist.

    No religion has ever been “banned from entering the country”, you know that to be inaccurate, but you persist.

    All these accusations, and so many more similar, have long since turned out to have no supporting evidence and long debunked, but still you persist.

    Since the high drama and unrealistic fantasies involving impeachment, criminal prosecutions, civil war etc have all fizzled out and the Trump administration, despite all your hype and wild claims, has proved remarkably moderate, responsible and effective, you have nothing left but distortions, hate and lies to maintain your outrage.

    But to what point? These extreme claims, wild inaccuracies, and salacious gossip, only provide support for a populist President.

    These detraction’s from real policy debate actually help the President. By concentrating on trivia and tabloid scandal, Democrats are leaving the business of government to the President.

    Obsessing about the President’s tax returns, instead of the crisis on the Southern border, allows the President to emphasis the contrast between himself and his opponents.

    He’s talking about issues affecting the lives of Americans, while his opponents are still obsessing with political point scoring to the detriment of their constituents.

    Yet you, along with others equally obsessed, persist in beating the same old drum, long after the audience has gone home.

    Forget Michele Bachmann, President Trump doesn’t claim to be “Godly, or Biblical”. He sees his Presidential mission in terms of rebuilding the American economy and re-positioning America’s place in the World.

    President Trump is basically a nationalist. He believes his duty is to America first, all the rest is secondary. For those hoping for an altruistic “leader of the Free world” , President Trump is not your man.

    His sole mission in foreign affairs is not to spread “truth, Justice and the American way”, like some demented 19th century missionary, but to gain economic advantage for the US taxpayer while ensuring US security.

    His first loyalty is to ordinary Americans, their livelihoods, prosperity and aspirations.

    So far, he’s certainly delivering on his promises.

    I can understand this must be frustrating for those seeking a “philosophic messiah”, someone who can lead the world to a new altruistic nirvana of “American Values”, (funded by the US taxpayer). If that’s your job requirement for a President, then Donald J Trump, certainly isn’t your candidate !