Violence on the Part of the Left and Right

RTS1WHS3-e1534421896420A reader asked for my comment on this video called “This Is The Face Of Leftist HATE!” He notes: Conservatives Have Been Bear Sprayed, Assaulted, Harassed & Attacked By Violent Leftists Across America.  I respond: This is a very interesting subject. Many will wonder if it’s possible that the proponents of more guns, bigger armies, fossil fuel-based energy, walls across our borders… as well as the neo-Nazis and the KKK, could possibly be less violent than the pacifists, the pot-smokers, the pipeline protesters and other environmentalists.

But is there a case to be made otherwise? It’s true that there are incidents of left-wing violence. Those with an honest interest in the subject should Google “left/right wing violence” and read at least a few of the 81 million web pages. What’s the harm of educating yourself?

Here’s another way of asking the same question.  Above is a recent photo of a protest that took place recently here in the U.S.  Two questions: A) Does it look nonviolent?  B) Does it seem more like a bunch of people with MAGA hats or more like a meeting of civil rights workers?  Answer here.


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One comment on “Violence on the Part of the Left and Right
  1. marcopolo says:


    Good heavens Craig, every day you sound more and more like your criticism of Donald Trump!

    Why can you just come out and condemn all violence? Why must you always try to subtly justify leftist extremism and violence?

    Recently, a celebrated leftist retired politician attempted to justify a article he had written anonymously when still a student activist.

    In that article he boated of his “administering a sneaky ‘revolutionary’ kidney-punch” to a defenseless and unarmed policeman who had his arms linked holding back a crowd of protestors against the closure of a UK coal mine in 1985.

    (Ironically, the same politician today is protesting the reopening of a Coal mine in Wales).

    34 years has elapsed, and although when finally ‘outed’ the politician made polite noises of apology, he still justifies his action as striking a blow for the people!

    I guess the point I’m trying to make, is when you condone violent, intolerant, or repressive behavior from those with whom you agree, you provide a license, not just your own side, but to violence itself.

    That license will be adopted by all sides, each justifying themselves wrapped in the flag you created.

    Exaggerated images of those who don’t share your political of ideology, demonizing these folk as “evil” “Satanic” “Nazi” etc, isn’t helpful to any genuine cause. It may even prove counter-productive as when compared to reality, your credibility is called into question.

    It’s like false charges of racism against President Trump.

    When confronted by the President’s many Black, Asian, Semitic or Hispanic friends and supporters, his opponents cry, “you shouldn’t talk to him or the Myth will be exposed!”

    We can’t defeat hatred and violence while only blaming others. To be credible, you must put your own house in order first.

    Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen’s puerile (and fairly revolting) eating a bucket of KFC fried chicken while displaying of a ceramic chicken statue, egged on by a delighted Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, completely undermined not only the dignity of the House committee, but Congress itself.

    It certainly didn’t hurt the intended victim, A-G Barr. Indeed, quite the opposite, Who would show respect for such a bunch of loutish clowns?

    In my lifetime, I found Martin Luther King’s methods unique.

    His method was always to defeat violence with love. He regarded his real task as ‘liberating’ not just black Americans, but white racists from their fear, guilt and “chains of hate”.