Oil Pipeline Metaphor

alaska-pipelineAccording to Eugene Kung, lawyer with West Coast Environmental, “The idea of building this [Trans Mountain pipeline] expansion, which essentially locks in production and expansion of the oil sands for the next several decades, is the exact wrong direction we need to go; it’d be like building a Blockbuster Video franchise in 2012.”

Not a bad analogy….and it would be absolutely perfect were it not for one thing: The entertainment industry profited from offering video streaming services, where the oil companies, the wealthiest entity in the history of humankind, stand to lose when their product becomes obsolete, and lose big.

That’s why they spend $200 million per year lobbying to blocking or at least delaying legislation aimed at climate change mitigation. They view this as just a cost of doing business; the fact that the “business” is ruining the planet is immaterial.

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One comment on “Oil Pipeline Metaphor
  1. marcopolo says:


    Okay, let’s give up on North American oil. But, hang on a minute, don’t you still fill up at a service station? Why haven’t you made the sacrifice and bought a Tesla, BNW, Honda, Hyundai, Leaf or any other EV?


    Oh, and while we’re at it, I don’t notice you protesting against the World’s largest new pipeline being constructed in the Baltic Sea.(you seem to hate only American Oil Companies)

    I wonder why? .

    Or, as is now pretty obvious, your concern for the environment merely a disguise for a much older political agenda?