Trophy Hunting Might Be Replaced By……

60638878_437112053766797_7153796127781814272_nTo the shame of the human race, there are people who feel a sense of pride and accomplishment by shooting innocent and soon-to-be-extinct game animals: elephants, lions, giraffes, tigers and the rest.  Though I can’t do anything about this sickening pastime, I can at least promote the people (and baboon?) pictured here.

Want to enjoy nature?  Take a lesson from these guys.

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One comment on “Trophy Hunting Might Be Replaced By……
  1. marcopolo says:


    I empathize with your sentiments.

    As every farmer and conservationist will tell you, killing (culling) even feral animals is a pretty soul destroying task.

    It must be done, but I take no pleasure in the killing of even animals that are overpopulating and threatening a disaster to other animals and the environment.

    I’ve never seen the “sport” in shooting non-feral wild game.

    I suppose if the animals were equally armed, it might be slightly more understandable, but otherwise, it seems a very unfair contest.

    However, many conservationists argue “Trophy” shooters actual help preserve many species.

    The money they spend on licenses, fees. accommodation etc, makes the animals commercially valuable providing an incentive for local people and authorities to actively suppress the poaching trade.

    Controlled “Trophy” hunting is sustainable, poaching is not. “Outing’ or Ostracizing Trophy hunters, may hasten the demise and extinction of many species.

    It’s another case of misdirected, simplistic moral outrage, doing more harm than good ! It becomes a question of what is more important ? A) Expressing your disgust, outrage and loathing, thereby basking in your righteousness, or B) saving the species ?