Infinite Growth Required for a Planet of Finite Size: What Could Go Wrong?

60808008_10157386956516812_3066531650625077248_nAs we approach the 50th anniversary of The Limits of Growth by Donella Meadows et al., it’s interesting, albeit disturbing, to note all the newly emerging factors that conspire to worsen the prognosis of the survival of humankind since the book’s publication in 1972.

While this post was really just an excuse to republish this fabulous cartoon by Gary Larsen, the human race really is on the wrong track vis-a-vis sustainability, driven largely, I think, by the huge and ever-growing concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few, and the consequent desperation of the many.  If it were in his power, the average person would like to get on board with things like climate change mitigation and the rest, but the economic times, which are continuing to worsen, make this extremely challenging.


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3 comments on “Infinite Growth Required for a Planet of Finite Size: What Could Go Wrong?
  1. marcopolo says:


    While I share your love of Gary Larson, I think you sometimes miss some of his more subtle irony.

    Unfortunately, Gary objects people using his work on the internet, often sending takedown notices to users posting his cartoons.

    Gary especially resents others “take control” of his work to promote or promote agenda not intended in the cartoon.

    While Gary Larson is also an environmentalist, I can understand his desire for his work to stand alone and not be hi-jacked or re-interpreted to support or publicize any view or opinion except the viewers own imagination.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Oh, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. I’m sure lhe’d believe you to be a sincere and thoughtful admirer of his work, just as I do.

    However, I sure you would be the first to appreciate his reasoning.