Meeting Basic Human Rights Is the Deal of the Century

Human-rights-dayExactly what are “basic human rights?”  Where do they begin, and where do they end?  It’s a matter open to debate, to be sure.

What’s more a matter of fact than opinion, however, is that this society shoots itself in the foot where these fundamental necessities are concerned; we’re the epitome of penny wisdom and pound foolishness.

You can say that education isn’t a human right, and you can defund/destroy our schools (which is quite chic right now).  But what you’re doing simultaneously, whether you know it or not, is generating more crime and more victims of those crimes; you’re paying to build and staff more prisons, you’re generating poverty on mass levels, and you’re creating vast areas in formerly decent cities that now look like they could be in Haiti or Rwanda. In short, the hard costs, not to mention the misery you’re heaping on top of them, far outweigh what you would have spent educating the kid in the first place.

The same could be said about any of the other “debatable” human rights.  You can deny people healthcare, so as to keep the donations from the insurance and pharmaceutical companies rolling in, but you’re spreading disease, some of which become epidemics, while you’re creating bankruptcies, clogging hospital emergency rooms, and spending fortunes treating advanced conditions that could have been handled with antibiotics or bandages had they been diagnosed and dealt with earlier. Even if you allot zero dollars to human suffering, you’re still losing a mint.

Of course, the crowning achievement in our stupidity is the devastation we’re wreaking on our environment.  Our indifference to the physical and biological world around us is rapidly creating an array of different disasters, each of biblical proportion.  And, though the horror of that world should terrify anyone, realize this: it’s not going to be cheap.

Think about what our future looks like, and try to guess what it’s going to cost, both in terms of dollars, and in lives.  Think about lung disease and cancer, thousands of miles of sea walls, crop losses from droughts, rebuilding after wildfires, damage from hurricanes and floods, water purification, oceans void of fish, relocating hundreds of millions of climate refugees, or, if you prefer, building huge expanses of walls of concrete and barbed wire to keep them out.  Think about dealing with escalating crime rates and endless wars caused by increasing scarcity of resources.

War alone brings costs without compare.  Iraq and Afghanistan: $6 trillion. Where are we going next?

And if dollars don’t mean much to you, ask yourself: Will my kid come home in one piece–or in a bag?

Still think we can’t afford to invest in renewable energy, electric transportation, and excellent foods with a reduced beef footprint?

With each passing year the price-tag gets larger and the prospect of a soft landing for humankind continues to shrink away.

We can do it; we just need to do it now.


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One comment on “Meeting Basic Human Rights Is the Deal of the Century
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hmmm,….let’s see if we understand you correctly, please corrct if i misunderstand you.

    Your basic message to the Western World is disarm and appease in the face of aggression. If we weaken the defense capacity of the Western World, we will prevent war and aggression from fanatics and belligerent nations and who inspired by our pacifism will lose their aggressive ambitions and join hands in a chorus of “Kumbaya”?

    Likewise, if we abolish the Police, we will also abolish crime and criminals ?

    Hmmm,….I wonder, sounds great! Er, ..I don’t want to be awkward, but could you show me where this has actually worked ?

    Okay, maybe that’s a bit hard. Can you show me a successful city where “social welfare ” funding took precedence over long term, real industrial jobs creation ?

    The Democrat-leftist approach to the social ills created by unemployment and lack of economic activity is to train more social workers, open more welfare schemes etc.

    President Trump’s method is to re-open industry, create real jobs, wealth, and prosperity stimulating real economic activity funded by private enterprise.

    He can lower taxes, since more people are employed and paying tax, while welfare and government programs can be cut as no longer needed.

    Obama and the Democrat-left want people dependent of the government for human “rights’ and existence.

    President Donald Trump wants the people to be independent, prosperous, responsible for their own lives and the government to be dependent on the people!

    This is why he has won the support and loyalty of the US blue collar worker. Blue collar workers want the dignity employment awards, not the demoralizing poverty trap of unemployment.

    For the first time in living history America has a candid, easily understood President. His rules and principles are simple and clear.

    President Trump is all about the safety, security and prosperity of the USA and American people. He will not be drawn into pointless civil wars where no real US interests are involved.

    He’s uninterested in playing the role (and the price0 of being the world’s policeman.

    On the other hand, he is unafraid to use the treat of US military power to ensure US citizens and interests are protected.

    President Trump is quick to assure US allies, even the small and vulnerable, of full US support, but only if they play their part to the best of their ability. There are no “free rides” with this President.

    At some stage, the US will have to meet the rising threat from China. President trump would prefer to contain and neutralize the threat while the USA still has the upper hand, economically and militarily.

    Every American, well every loyal American, and every loyal ally should support the President in this difficult and dangerous task.

    As Tiananmen square proved, “kumbaya” doesn’t work if the man in the tank can’t hear you singing over the noise of the machine guns.

    Now is the time for loyal Americans to stand up and be counted.

    Once again, the West is under threat. President Trump may not be ideal, but at least he is clear and uncompromisingly focused on the main challenge.

    Will you be one of those who can proudly tell your children’s children, I never acquiesced or cravenly “appeased” and collaborated. I supported the President in America’s our of need.

    Or like the decayed, effete old appeasers in France and Britain in 1936-9, will you try to rewrite history for your new Chinese masters?