Fighting Deforestation? Not with Brazil’s Bolsonaro In Power

deforestation-amazon-e1480934649492The Amazon Rainforest houses 10% of the world’s species and helps to regulate the global climate, which is why 2GreenEnergy joins many thousands of environmental groups in an effort to halt deforestation in this critical corner of the globe.  

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro told the world precisely what we would do when he came to power last year, i.e., to open up the Amazon rainforest to cattle, mineral, logging, and anything else that might make money–which is why no one should be surprised that, according to the environmental news site Mongabay:

• Deforestation is surging in Brazil.

• The country’s top regulatory bodies are being stripped of their ability to hold individuals and groups criminally accountable.

• 2019 has brought with it the sharpest decline in fines for illegal logging in the country’s history, despite record numbers of trees being cut down.

• Deforestation throughout the Amazon rose 34% compared to the year before, the highest level ever recorded.

Bolsonaro advertised that it was coming, and now it’s here.  Perhaps in another place and time, the U.S. would have stood up to an environmental butcher like this, but, needless to say, that’s not happening here and now, where our own administration is on its own tear to rape and pillage the natural world.

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