Our Post-Truth World

fraud-penaltiesWe live our lives inundated with lies from every direction, and at every level, so, in a certain sense, fraudulent crap like this shouldn’t be surprising.

• This “hushed up” solar PV “breakthrough” ostensibly from MIT increases current efficiency levels by more than 10X (putting them well over 200%).

• Get the power you need from four square feet.  (Even if they were 100% efficient, they would put out about 400 Watts, about one-fourth the power required by my blender.)

It’s one of the roles of government to stop out-and-out fraud like this.

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One comment on “Our Post-Truth World
  1. marcopolo says:


    I agree a completely useless product. However, at only $39.99, I wonder if anyone who’s silly enough to fall for such an obvious scam really deserves protecting ?