Why Trump’s Approval Rating Isn’t Falling: They LOVE the Guy!

67347870_2280427602013160_2627730084831690752_nThere is some truth to the meme here, but, per what we see every day out there, most of his supporters love what Trump is doing. The rabble is thrilled that he’s making America Christian white male again, while punishing the poor and the treehuggers; they think he’s (in some cases literally) a gift from God. The super-rich are having orgasms with their huge tax cuts, while rooting him on in destroying the federal government.

This is why Trump’s actions, while they appear outrageous, are all perfectly predictable.  Each is an expression of his brand, and that brand carries huge loyalty.  The things Americans had come to expect from a president, e.g., wisdom, honor, leadership, and a calm, measured bearing, have nothing to do with that brand; in fact, they actually run counter to it.

This is why we would all do well to quit expecting presidential behavior.  Dom Perignon isn’t sold at Dollar General, the KKK doesn’t sponsor symphony orchestras, and Ferrari doesn’t build economy models.  Trump has established his brand with equal, if not greater, clarity.

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2 comments on “Why Trump’s Approval Rating Isn’t Falling: They LOVE the Guy!
  1. marcopolo says:


    As long as you keep bleating abusive, tired old slogans and condescending distortions, fewer and fewer people will listen.

    The President is not supported by the “mega-rich”, on the contrary, they either hate him or give vast donations to the Democrats!

    Your problem is he has stolen the loyalty of traditional blue collar Americans, wonce the base of Democrat voters !

    Attacking the President by claiming the he’s a “racist” because of his ill-worded and clumsily phrased retort to those US citizens who either migrated to the US or Parent migrated as refugees from poverty stricken, dysfunctional nations, and embarked on a campaign to disparage the US, US institutions, burning the flag, while continuously expressing contempt for America and the constitution.

    Everyone, (even the most rabid Never Trumpers) knows his tweets are patriotic, at worst, nationalistic.

    Distorting the intent of his motives to represent them as racist, only refocuses public attention on the actions of those US Democrat Representatives who praise extreme anti-Americans advocates (and anti-US activities), while enjoying the security of the US way of life.

    The President has captured the support of “blue collar” America, including Back, White and Hispanic, (once guaranteed democrat voters), because these folk are tired of being lied to, patronized, called “deplorable” and left unemployed by politicians who export their jobs overseas.

    Trying to portray President Trump as only supported by the rich, is also an obvious lie !

    The mega-rich loath Trump. The mega-rich don’t care about tax, since the pay very little in reality. Most of the mega rich donate to Democrats.

    Your claim the President is a Racist who only cares about the Mega Rich, was easily disproved last week when the President took radical Executive Action to ensure more than 100,000 less affluent Americans, regardless of color, could receive affordable transplants.

    This action long sought after, but delayed and forgotten by President Obama, will save over 100,000 American lives each year!

    The husband and 5 children of Mrs Lucina Carver, of Dearborn Heights, Michigan, thank the President for his latest Executive action which will allow Mrs Carter to receive a kidney transplant. This simple life-saving procedure for which she never dreamed was possible, will save her life and transform the fortunes of this Afro-American family.

    She,her family and neighbors in this working class Detroit suburb will vote for Trump in 2020.

    Her husband, Jeff, was able to regain regular employment (with health benefits) thanks to the President’s economic policies. School attendance has increased with the increase in prosperity . Gang related violence and illicit drugs vandalism and crime, has been decreasing in Dearborn as the tax base increases and welfare decreases.

    Those circumstances are being repeated all over the nation. That’s why blue collar workers, including all racial backgrounds, support this President.

    Sneering at these “(deplorable)” less affluent folk from the lofty moral heights of Santa Barbara, will only increase the sales of red hats !

    I suggest you get in your little Toyota Prius and head on out to the Heartland. After all, these are the people you claim to care about.

    Tell the Carver family,they should bow to your moral superiority,and change their support for their President!

    Listen to Kenneth Andersen, navy veteran, city official,Trump supporter and NAACP organizer in Dearborn who states, “You’ve got to vote for the person, not the race. Trump is not a racist and never has been. He’s done a hell of a lot for the African American community and Latino community. It’s the lowest unemployment rate for 50 years. They keep thinking they’ve got to vote Democratic but the Democrats haven’t done anything for them.”

    Perhaps you should listen to Clinton Tarver jnr, former radical Detroit Black activist, former Democrat, now small business man and aspiring local politician.

    “My wife and I have met Donald Trump and he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. I was glad we had a black president but we don’t like Obama now because he didn’t do anything for us, he sold us out. Trump, well, he is what he is, but he’s fighting for us to have a better life and it’s working”.

    Or black-rights activist, Jesse Parker. Parker is ashamed at the way black democrat politicians have exploited civic power to worsen the life of the city and the inhabitants. He risked his life to expose the criminal corruption of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, (close ally of Obama and the Clintons).

    In his own words, “Trump, y’know the man got his faults, but he ain’t no racist and he does good by America. Man comes here and speaks straight out what he means. Good or bad, he tells it straight as he sees it. He don’t care if no one else approve or what the media say. I met him, he shook my hand and promised to see what he could do. I don’t think nothing would happen, all my fiends laugh at me saying ‘no politicians ever keep their word”.

    But, sure enough within a coupla months, I gets a letter from the President (shows letter) promising action, two weeks later everything fixed up nicely. The Man (president) really got things moving!

    Now, I tell everyone, this man (Trump) he keep his word. I can work with a man like that! A man who(is) the same once he get elected as when he just promising sh#t!”.

    IMHO Craig, if you took a road trip (as I have) to the Heartland, you might begin to understand, and have less contempt for ordinary working class Americans.

    In the words of Woody Guntrie, “try more listening, and less sermonizing”.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Just thought I’d help you ot with the latest aggregate of major Polling site

    President Trump approval 46% disapproval 51%

    Congress approval 24% disapproval 69%

    Democrat House Reps. approval 24% Disapproval 72%.

    Interestingly,the President’s polls have basically remained unchanged for nine months. More ominous is drop in the House popularity, especially the Dems. The ratings have virtually halved.

    Although early days and certainly to early to predict but the President’s voter support base seems unshakeable while no leading Democrat presidential candidate can count on a committed base vote greater than 30% at best!

    The Dem vote is also almost exclusively in the affluent suburbs of major cities while the President’s is distributed widely and is enhanced by the electoral system.

    Unless something changes dramatically, the 2020 Presidential election will require the Democrat Candidate to win 90% of those currently identified as undecided ( 26% of voters) while the President only needs to win 12-18% of undecided to remain in office!

    Of course everything can change in politics overnight, but the President has survived and even prospered under a deluge of scandal, impeachment threats, accusations etc, no of which have deterred his loyal base, which has continued to solidify and grow.

    As long as the economy holds up and the President keeps his current course, he has no real opposition. If he gains a favorable outcome with China (likely) or even a quite stalemate with Iran, the voters will vote to maintain the status quo.

    The President will be helped by the election of the US’s pro-American Boris Johnson and the rapidly deteriorating EU economy.

    To win, the Democrats must hope for an economic downturn. The danger for Democratic legislators is if they overplay their hand, voters may blame a downturn on the democrats for harming America for political advantage.

    But politics is always uncertain……..