Gauging the Effectiveness of Political Protests

protests-in-puerto-rico-Carlos-Giusti-AP-Shutterstock-webonlyI know there are people who  believe (albeit incorrectly) that civil unrest in the form of protests is ineffective in causing change, but I’m not sure how well that notion would play to the people of Puerto Rico just now; you’d likely be laughed right off the island.

Human-pond-scum governor Ricardo Rosselló will be stepping down later today, hounded out of office by hundreds of thousands of furious people, possibly one million, calling for his immediate resignation following the release of a series of communications revealing precisely how despicable he is.  In an interview, a lady moved toward the camera and said firmly, “We put him in, and now we’re taking him out.”

Times don’t look too good for the common person on this planet, given the consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of a few, the rise of authoritarian regimes, and the pitting of brother against brother–yet I advise against discounting the sheer force of masses of determined people.

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One comment on “Gauging the Effectiveness of Political Protests
  1. marcopolo says:


    So by your logic, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela would have fled months ago to Cuba or Russia ?

    Puerto Rico’s Govenor Ricardo Rosselló, is a young(39)well educated science graduate with bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering and economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

    The son of former governor of Puerto Rico and pediatric surgeon Pedro Rosselló, he was elected on a platform of much needed economic and social reform.

    His reforms proved popular with some Puerto Ricans, but were very unpopular with two powerful factions.

    The first is Obama era US appointed “commissioners” who allied themselves to certain business interests, and a second faction consisting of loose corrupt leftist politicians, trade unions etc, led by the radical leftist Mayor of Santa Cruz, Carmen Yulín Cruz.

    The recent behavior by Ricardo Rosselló seems completely out of character, and a surprise to those who know him well.

    His wife an family claim his behavior is the result of a mental breakdown caused by overwork improperly prescribed medication that altered his personality. His meltdown would certainly appear to be consistent with that diagnosis.

    His record as a Progressive and economically responsible Governor was very good, especially as he inherited a fiscal mess. Despite massive economic reform, as governor he promoted many “progressive laws and programs”.

    Describing Ricardo Rosselló as “Human-pond-scum’ or “despicable” based on a superficial knowledge of some very one-sided news reports about the leaked private rantings of a man undergoing a mental breakdown, would seem to be both harsh and viciously sanctimonious.

    The are no winners here. Puerto Rico has lost an able, intelligent and reforming Governor. Ricardo Rosselló and his family have suffered. Even his enemies will suffer as the Island sinks deeper into instability and poverty.

    Very sad circumstances, not helped by hypocritical sanctimony.