Illustration Presents Central Issue Confronting Humankind

46514294_2182846788636797_7394562163215433728_nEven without the greed depicted in this wonderful illustration, it’s questionable whether humankind can arrive at some sort of equilibrium with nature.  We believe that, if we wanted to, we could consume resources sustainably here and now, in such a way that future generations are able to meet their needs.  Even with our growing population that brings along with it increasing demand for energy, food, potable water, and consumer goods, the outlook appears at least somewhat bright.

But when we plug back in the greed factor, we get something far gloomier.  We’re living on the brink, with things like one million species under threat of extinction, microplastics in the arctic, CO2 levels not seen in the last 3 million years.  How this is going to turn out is anyone’s guess.

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One comment on “Illustration Presents Central Issue Confronting Humankind
  1. marcopolo says:


    “Doom, doom, despair, Woe unto us”, that’s been the cry of doomsayers, gloomy pundits and ignored prophets throughout history.

    Cracker barrel curmudgeons and wiseacres have been predicting the “World is going to hell in a hand basket” forever.

    But, were still here, still imperfect, but surviving pretty well.

    While it’s true many of our problems are created by technology, those problems are also solved by newer technology.

    The world is not going to end in 12 years, or 120 or any other such nonsense. (Although in about four billion years from now the planet will become uninhabitable).

    The politics of envy are always unsatisfying. Accusations of “greed” and sanctimonious moralizing against the sins of rich, only reveal the orators own inadequacies.

    Far better to be optimistic and concentrate on the excitement and and wondrous achievements of new technology, especially clean tech.