Obama-era Drilling Ban on Arctic Drilling Survives Trump Order; 200,000 Square Miles of Federal Waters Protected

arctic-oil-drilling-e1476904421100Life for federal judges in the northern climes has certainly gotten more interesting since the Trump administration came to town.  Here, we learn that one of Alaska’s U.S. District judges, Sharon Gleason, handed down the third legal setback to Trump’s energy and environmental policies in less than a week Here, she declared that President Trump’s order revoking a sweeping ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans is illegal.

We sometimes get the impression that our oceans are scoring no victories, but this is not the case, as shown here.

Thought for today: The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress, not for violating them.

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One comment on “Obama-era Drilling Ban on Arctic Drilling Survives Trump Order; 200,000 Square Miles of Federal Waters Protected
  1. marcopolo says:


    Your indignation might ring less holow if you also mentioned the fact that Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have just purchased the home of Boston Celtics owner and huge Democrat donor, Wycliffe “Wyc” K. Grousbeck’s 29-acre Martha’s Vineyard estate.

    The seven-bedroom, eight-bath oceanfront mansion spans 6,892 square feet and was listed for sale for $22.85 million, but reput4edly sold to the Obama’s for $15 million.

    Why the discount? Well, as Wyc said “what comes around, goes around”.

    Obviously ol’ Wyc is an honorable guy, and is simply repaying all those favours he and his father received during the Obama administration, or maybe he just felt the ex-President needed a house by the seaside.

    But what about sea-level rise, you may ask ?! Well, not something the Obama’s are really worried about as they stroll down the garden path to the private beach.

    But what’s this? An aerial view of the lavish mansion reveal reveals no Solar Panels, not even for the indoor/outdoor pools.

    The mansion’s multiple seating areas and opulent entertaining spaces, two guest fully equipped guest wings, a master suite with log fireplace, two gymnasiums, private sun decks and ‘spectacular water views, are all fully air-conditioned and heated by a massive boiler room. (Also an emergency back up diesel generator).

    The vast lawns are mowed each week by a number of four stroke mower.(very environmental).

    Or maybe ol’ Wyc just thought it fitting the former President should live in the same style as his former Vice-President.

    Perhaps I’m too cynical, but until our elites practice what they preach and quit taking private Gulfstreams t5o exotic locations to lecture the world on environmental action, I’m not about to set my house on stilts or trade my car in for a bus pass. (My car is electric).

    I’m not alone in my skepticism. The “deplorables” aren’t going to throw out their air-conditioners to fulfill the green fever dream of slaughtering every cow, abolishing every automobile, shuttering every coal mine, and corking every oil well.

    CNN can indulge in an orgy of fake “Town Hall” broadcasts. I say fake because the “Town Hall” is actually a heavily lit studio-auditorium using enough powerful lighting and air-conditioning to keep a small town in electricity for a decade!

    The CNN talk fest (essentially a Democrat rally) will rant on for 8 hours, hosted by Jay Inslee who will fly in on Al Gore’s jet, (Jerry Epstein’s is no longer available).

    The pundits and talking heads, are described by one wag as including a Latino former Cabinet official who can’t speak Spanish, the “math” guy who can only talk in industry-manual argot about automation, Senator Kamala Harris, whose poll numbers have slid precipitously downward since everyone found out she’s a trimmer with no beliefs, the Irishman who sees racism everywhere despite faking Hispanic heritage, that lady who regularly clouts her own staff, Joe Biden, who probably thinks the climate crisis was licked when he and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Van Buren marched arm in arm against the Blood Tubs.

    Oh, and the closet Marxist twins , Grandpa Menshevik and schoolmarmish Warren, will also be on hand to remind us that for every Celsius degree the planet warms, a thousand “deplorables” must be euthanized.

    A “consensus” will be reached between the permanently outraged, high-dudgeon eco-Cassandras who claim we have 12 years to significantly reduce greenhouse emissions, the more radical who claim and apocalypse in 18 months, and those who say it’s too late and humans have doomed the Earth to arid misery.

    Craig, it should be a grand night’s viewing for you and your cracker barrel buddies! Make sure you get some extra La-Z-Boys in the living room and breakout those extra pair of rose tinted glasses.

    Hmmm,…but then no I come to think about it, you also live by the sea in a nice affluent beach-side location, with a convenient gas station nearby from which you can fill your car,..

    Hmmmmm,…yeah, I guess you’ll fit right in with the CNN extravaganza of hypocrisy.