One comment on “A Sustainable Society Requires a Just Tax System
  1. marcopolo says:


    Careful, Jeff Bezos might hear you !

    Ol’ Jeff could’ve given that $500 million to “homeless, starving military veterans, dying by suicide at the rate of 22 per day”.

    But no, he didn’t. He chose to give it to the Democrat party instead!

    But hey,you are not about to be “outraged” or indignantly returning these funds, donating them to charity or similar, are you? No, nor will you inquire about Senator Fienstein’s Chinese donors.

    So when you complain about “getting big money out of politics” what you really mean is “only big money that opposes the Democrat-left in American politics” otherwise “big money” is okay.

    In truth taxing large corporations is very difficult. The only corporations that pay the full tax contribution are Oil and Gas corporations.

    The consequence of too much tax being leveled against companies like Delta Airlines, GM, IBM, Deere, Microsoft, Apple etc, is they simply move to more tax friendly climes and structure their tax commitments more expertly.

    The result is a loss of US technology, investment and employment.