On Human Scum

Can it shock anyone that Trump considers any who oppose him, be they from either of the two main U.S. political parties here in the formerly great United States, to be “human scum?”

At this point it’s a cascading set of appeals to our most base instincts…. until he’s eventually forced out of office…..or until he’s reelected and goes on to set the standard for world leadership in the 21st Century, which seems quite possible.

Brace yourselves, but keep this in mind: it’s up to you and me.

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One comment on “On Human Scum
  1. marcopolo says:


    You are correct, it’s truly regrettable that social commentary has disintegrated to this sort of abusive name calling.

    As President, Donald Trump must accept a portion of the blame.

    His ability to speak in the vernacular, the language of the common man, is viewed by many as a great asset and if he were a Democrat,you would be hailing him as a hero.

    He didn’t start this race to bottom. The coarse rhetoric in public debate is probably fueled by the rise of social media, he’s simply the best practitioner!

    No President has been the subject of more outrageous vilification and abuse as Donald J Trump. In return he replies in kind.

    In his better moments, President Trump admits to sharing a responsibility for the roughness of public rhetoric. On at least three occasions he has expressed regret for excessive remarks and agreed it’s an undesirable aspect of modern politics.

    So far, I’ve never seen a single apology from any “Never Trumper” or regret for the torrent of abuse from his enemies.

    The justification from you and your fellow obsessive anti-Trump fanatics is ‘anything goes’ as long as it’s anti-Trump. Then you have the temerity to blame your own behaviour on the President.

    Donald Trump may not be very “Presidential” at times, but at least he’s no hypocrite!

    Remember, you approved when a Hollywood celebrity called for the rape and torture by Pedophiles of the President’s 11 year old son,…

    Yeah, as a father, I agree with the President, I consider the publication of such opinions to be the action of “human scum”! But what does it also say about those who remained quietly approving of such rhetoric?

    When a Democrat legislator called for the “brutal” murder of the President and his family, just after the shooting of five US Congressmen and police occurred, you nodded in silent agreement, where was your indignation then ?

    Yes, like you, I’m also distressed to witness a deterioration in manners and respect. I certainly don’t think it helps for the President to add to deterioration,(which is why I refrain from name calling) but, I try to avoid blaming my enemies for my own transgressions.

    We are all responsible for our own actions!

    The ‘devil’ didn’t make you do it! The end never justifies the means, we must all own up to the repercussions of our own actions.