America At a Pivot Point

OMG, this meme carries the precise discussion my wife and I had over breakfast this morning:

Craig: It’s raining (feces) down on Trump right now.  The end of all this insanity has to be very, very close.

Becky: It’s been raining (feces) down on Trump since before he took office.  He never quits, and his support never wanes.

Craig: We have to be very near the point when Congressional Republicans find all this untenable, and they turn on him.  Mind you, it will have absolutely nothing to do with love of country; if it did, he’d have been gone long ago.  It will be because they just can’t go on cementing a legacy for themselves as abetting a traitor.

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One comment on “America At a Pivot Point
  1. marcopolo says:


    It appear you have found a method of moving your home in Santa Barbara into a parallel universe!

    As the evidence is beginning to emerge, the alleged “whistle blower” seems to be very ‘creative with the truth’ and on many occasions is just lying.

    More alarmingly, it would appear from the evidence supplied by the “whistle blowers” own lawyers, he and they started this campaign to oust the President immediately after the 2016 election.

    Of especial concern is the role of CNN, FBI, CIA and some White House public servants in these various bids.

    At first the idea of an active and organized secret “resistance” of factions to commit a ‘coup’ against the American voter seemed far-fetched and just paranoia on the President’s part.

    However, more and more evidence is emerging, and it appears the President’s claims may contain more substance that was first believed.

    Far from Congressional Republicans turning on the President, all the GOP house members have been very vocal in their condemnation of the whose proceeds.

    But, it is interesting to note not one, but two House Democrats voted against their own party, with five more announcing they instead to abstain in future.

    Your wife Becky is quite right, “Trump never quits, and his support never wanes”.

    All this farcical impeachment will produce is annoyance by the voters who when all the smoke clears will shake their collective heads and wonder why the Dem’s once again held the nation at ransom for no result.

    But there will be a fall out. The fall out will be a renewed interest in pursuing the “Whistle blowers” his friends and co-conspirators.

    The Biden’s are already becoming the focus as more and more people realize how could President Obama not know of the corruption involving his VP ?