Making America Great Again

I’m told that it’s gauche to make comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

Whatever.  In any case, the author of this meme certainly makes a good point; that’s precisely what these Germans believed.

The irony of all this is that Trump couldn’t care less what’s happening to America; he’s interested only in self-aggrandizement.  If you doubt this, ask yourself why he’s damaged relations with every American ally you can name, and become chummy with our avowed enemies.  Ask why he spent funds donated to his charity for veterans for personal and political purposes.

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One comment on “Making America Great Again
  1. marcopolo says:


    Your political rants are growing more and more desperate and absurd every day.

    Who are “America’s” avowed enemies? Who are these “allies” with whom Trump has “damaged relations” ?

    Like all your allegations, you have no facts, just opinions.

    Why bother parroting this nonsense? You will know your answer in the 2020 election.

    Incidentally, had Hitler died in the 1940 assassination attempt just after the fall of France, he would be remembered as Greatest German of all time.

    But Trump is not Hitler, sly attempts to blacken your opponents by calling them names only revels the depths of spite and malice to which you will stoop just to stir political hatreds.