Forgive the Salty Language, But This Was Too Good To Pass Up

Funny? I thought so.

A surprise to anyone?  Hardly.  This is California, land of freeway traffic and a pretty severe distaste for cruel, racist, wanna-be dictators.

Is Trump a Russian asset?  A useful idiot? Maybe it’s a coincidence that virtually everything Trump does favors Putin at the expense of the United States, and makes it hard for us to protect our democracy.  Only time will tell.

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One comment on “Forgive the Salty Language, But This Was Too Good To Pass Up
  1. marcopolo says:


    (sigh) What possible value can there be in endlessly repeating mindless “Never Trump” slogans and graffiti?

    President Trump seems to be the only objector to the Baltic pipeline from Russia to Germany and Western Europe by passing Eastern Europe.

    The President objects to the pipeline on strategic grounds, claiming the pipeline is designed to make Germany and much of Western Europe even more reliant on Russian energy exports.

    The President also sees the pipeline as a threat to US LPG exports, thereby undermining US interests.

    Vladimir Putin is not just eager for the pipeline to be a strategic success for Russia, but a commercial success. He has invested much of his political and personal capital in the project.

    Where are the environmentalists who would normally be objecting to such a project? The greens in Germany are strangely silent because only with this Russian energy can Germany maintain the pretense of “green energy”.

    If President Trump has his way, not only will Russia be severely embarrassed and weakened in Western Europe, but Putin will also suffer massive (possibly fatal) political and personal financial damage.

    How do you explain that contradiction?

    I’ll bet you can’t! Sadly, your hatred will overcome your sense of honesty and you will continue to repeat a lie rather than face the truth.