The United States Is Not Worthy of Trust, and That Has Terrible Consequences

Betraying trust is rapidly replacing baseball as America’s national pastime. We revel in it on a national and international level; witness the Kurds, the Iran peace agreement, DACA recipients and the Paris Accord. At the same time, it’s being argued in the House of Representatives that the U.S. president broadly betrayed the trust placed in him by the American people with his deceitful and criminal behavior over the past three years.

On top of all that, it seems there is an unlimited number of one-off, personal cases of treachery like the one named at the left.

Anyone who trusts the United States to keep its word on anything of any importance at this point is a total moron, and turning this around is going to be an enormously difficult undertaking, likely requiring decades to accomplish.

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One comment on “The United States Is Not Worthy of Trust, and That Has Terrible Consequences
  1. marcopolo says:


    Most nations accept incoming governments and Presidents will pursue different policies than their predecessors.

    That is the nature of international politics.

    No one was surprised when President Trump withdrew from the unratified agreement signed by President Obama in Paris. President Trump has pledged to do so in his election campaign.

    He also withdrew from the Iran agreement because of breeches by Iran.

    Both were very poor and ineffective agreements for the USA.

    As for ex-Marine Jose Segovia Benitez, he was deported under a law passed by Congress and signed by President Obama.

    #9 year old Jose Benitez has a long criminal record of drug crime, violence against women, fraud, assault, illegal possession of fire arms, and assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and a number of DUI offenses.

    He also threatened to commit mass murder in a supermarket.

    He knew by continually committing increasingly horrific crimes he would be eventfully deported.

    Why is the breech of trust by either the US or the President?

    What you should be considering is the “breech of trust’ by Benitez to the USA who gave him a green card.

    Even his family are relieved to see him deported.