One comment on “Who Doesn’t Love “The Onion?”
  1. marcopolo says:


    It’s comments like yours which has provided the President a significant rise in support from Black and Hispanic voters.

    The comment is offensive to millions of black supporters of the President. Obviously, to you their opinions don’t matter as you call them “morons” “race traitors” or “gullible’ and “unable to think for themselves”.

    So, who exactly is the racist? You, or the President?

    Maybe they are sick and tired of media outlets like CNN who called the President a “Misogynist” for attacking former RBI lawyer Lisa Page.

    Lisa Page has spent years spewing ot hatred against the President and is currently being investigated for a number of crimes she may have committed while working for the FBI.

    By her own admission she hates the President and all his supporters.

    To the applause of a CNN interviewer, Lisa Page repeated her boast to her FBI agent lover, “I just went to a southern Virginia Walmart, I could SMELL the Trump supporters, it made me feel physically ill.”

    Misogynist? Really CNN? Is that the best defense CNN can find to defend a corrupt hysteric?

    What has her gender got to do with her actions? Should the President not complain because she is female? (now that would be misogyny!)

    Craig, at the risk of repeating myself, when you employ these extreme terms and abuse, you are part of the problem.

    The picture isn’t funny, it’s unnecessarily divisive and unpleasant at Christmas. The picture isn’t designed to solve any problem or promote goodwill and understanding, just part of increasingly bitter, partisan campaign to divide the nation.