Trump Support Lives Deep Within

We all have Trump supporters in our lives.  My wife Becky has close connections to several women from her high school days, and to her chagrin, a couple of them fall into this category. 

Rather than talking about the latest crime/scandal when they get together, or ignoring the subject altogether, Becky goes for what she believes will be the “soft underbelly”: the environment.  “You love your grandchildren!  You’ve told me that hundreds of times! Doesn’t it bother you that their health is being compromised by Trump’s rolling back environmental regulations that formerly protected our air and water?”

The astonishing answer is “not really,” which is evidence, to me at least, that support for Trump is so visceral that issues like this, so apparently powerful and so close to home, simply don’t bite.

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One comment on “Trump Support Lives Deep Within
  1. marcopolo says:


    Or then again, maybe your wife’s friends have grown wary of trying to discuss topics that rapidly turn to bitter acrimony?

    Most people on social occasions try to avoid engaging in conversation with ‘true believers’ and advocates trying to sell some variety of ideology.

    Your insistence that all things evil emanate from the 2016 election of President Trump, has weakened your appeal as an environmental and clean technology advocate.

    The difference between sermonizing and discussion can become blurred with advocates. Very few people at a social gathering wish to be subjected to the intolerant preaching of evangelists and fanatics.

    What you condemn as “Trump supporters are to selfish to care”, is just a natural reaction to quietly avoid being berated by “never Trumpers”.