PHYS.ORG Respected By Most, But Certainly Not All
To most people, that might be sufficient grounds for respect, but not if you’re reader Joy Bateman, who writes: “The only thing “raising fears” is all your propaganda.”
Joy, I know, right? Don’t you just hate those physicists? It really cheeses me off that scientists who have been studying a subject for decades have the gall to publish peer-reviewed studies.
Why so nasty to those who dare to question these exalted oracles?
It so incredible they may be even slightly in error or lacking absolute knowledge of all things temporal and spiritual? How dare poor Joy, express her puny viewpoint against they mighty and omnipotent!
But, y’know, it’s strange, physicists are like most humans living in an organized society, they hold political and ideological ideas and precepts which can creep into their perceptions and conclusions.
Joy Bateman’s skepticism would seem to have hit a raw nerve with you, but from your outrage it would appear her observation is accurate since you misrepresent her for your own deceitful purpose!
Joy Bateman doesn’t seem to be “lacking in respect for, but simply an article by Ivan Couronne.
Now, I would be very surprised if Ivan Couronne, a very young freelance blogging journalist, mostly known on Facebook, linked in and twitter, has spent “decades” studying physics, earth science, medicine, nanotechnology, electronics, space, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics or any other sciences and technologies.
Nope, ol’ Ivan is a professional propagandist (or journalist, take your pick).
I think you owe Joy an apology, she didn’t kill your dog, or even speak heresy against one of your High Priests.
The issue of sea level rise is very complicated and much disputed. Most calculations are based on a ‘bathtub” assumption.
The ‘bathtub’ measure is inaccurate and completely unscientific, however it is widely used to sensationalize and justify the most ludicrous of sea level predictions.
Which is probably why none of these endless doomsday predictions ever occur and Joy’s exasperated skepticism.
From your outrage and overreaction, you seem fearful she maybe right!