There Actually ARE Biodegradable Plastics
Assuredly, we live with false claims and all kinds of greenwashing in this space, but biodegradable plastic is a real thing. Look it up. Or hit “contact” on the website and ask me.
A reasonable idea: when you hear that the Cadillac Escalade and the Toyota Prius have equivalent eco-footprints, and you somehow think this might be insulting your intelligence, just look it up. For people like me in our 60s, “just look it up,” meant a trip to the library and spending hours dealing with the dreaded Dewey decimal system.
Now it takes a fraction of a second. Go for it.
Such sound advice, and yet you don’t seem to take advantage of “looking things up” for yourself!
Well, maybe you do, but just select those articles and information that fits with your original surmise.
The internet is a cornucopia of information, but can be difficult to wade through a morass of advocacy and rants.