Annual U.S. War Spending: $1.2 Trillion–But There’s (Partially) Good News

Well, let’s put all this into perspective. Trump partially paid for this by kicking 700K hungry people off food stamps. “Partially” is a key word there, however; it saved a whopping $1.32 billion, or 0.11% of war spending.


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One comment on “Annual U.S. War Spending: $1.2 Trillion–But There’s (Partially) Good News
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hmmm, let’s understand what you are saying?

    What you are demanding, is the President should weaken America’s defense capacity, create massive domestic unemployment, under-equip US combat forces, but create more welfare programs and poverty traps ?

    It’s exactly that type of thinking that got Trump elected!

    Strange as it may seem, the American people don’t want to live on “welfare”, especially the working class, they want the opportunity and employment this president has provided.